{MAC} I know about you!

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*Imagine you came to Caineville and met Mac at the Luna Mesa, the two of you hit it off and you developed a crush on him, btut then you find out about who he is*

"Mac!" You shot as soon as he's in your sight, your fists curled into tight balls at your sides.

You heard about his dealings with Meth, you had figured he'd done it at some point because he needed some dental work, but you never imagined he was still doing it, AND MAKING IT, you heard a few other nasty things but you had hoped they weren't true. You two had really hit it off, went on a few dates, he kissed you last night, and of course leave it to lady luck to make your dream guy a real life monster.

"What's wrong?" He says, clearly astonished by the fact that you're here and that you're madder than a hornet.

"I know about you!" You scream, clenching and unclenching your fists.

His face falls into one of complete worry and fear.

"Yeah that's right, Mac, people talk!" You can't even bare how upset you are, you can't believe you thought about sleeping with him, the rumors, if they're true, are horrible, unforgivable.

Drugs. Rape. Murder.

He reaches for you and you can't stop yourself from flenching away from him. What if he is this monster? He could hit you, rape you, kill you, how can you be sure.

His face falls again, "Y/N" he pleads reaching out to you once more.

You scramble backwards, away from him.

"Don't touch me!" You whisper yell, tears stinging your eyes.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" he says reaching out to touch your face.

"Don't!" You yell, "I'll scream!"

"That's what you think of me, huh?" He steps closer to you, you back away again.

"I know who you are, you're a druggie, a rapist, a murderer!" You feel your back flush against the truck, praying he keeps his distance.

"Who I was" he argues shaking his head.

"When?" You ask, looking at the man you've slowly come to like.

"Before ya got here," he states, looking at the ground, "I WAS all those terrible things, I never knew nobody like ya, ya made me wanna be different" he finished still entranced by the dirt.

"You can never take this things back, can't you tell me it isn't true," you beg, "please?"

"Y/N, I don't wanna lie to ya" he barely speaks.

"I don't want to see you, ever again!" You say climbing into your truck and leaving him in the dust.

You couldn't help but think about him the whole way home, you had feelings for him, feelings you couldn't explain.

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