Chapter One

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Without even thinking I ran out of the office and towards the restrooms. I couldn't take being in the room with him any longer. When I got to the restrooms I just stared in the mirror trying to figure out where I went wrong. There was a time when I would have loved to be in a room with Lincoln but things have changed. I am a different person with a different life which means I don't know if Lincoln fits into my new life.

Once I decided to head back I just decided to head back to my desk and pretend like nothing was going on. I didn't want to act like something was wrong but I didn't want to act like him being a big deal either. I get started on my usual work for Mr. Steele or else I would be in big trouble. I couldn't let this whole ordeal affect my work. I got so caught up in my work I didn't notice anyone came out until I see people standing in front of me. When I look up I see Mr. Steele and Lincoln standing in front of me smiling. "Can I help you?"

"Yes Ms. Stewart I have extra work for you to do and I will pay you more for doing it."

"What is that?"

"Since Mr. Charleston has just started here and doesn't have an assistant then I need you to his and mines." I looked between both of them and my eyes landed on a smirking Lincoln. He looked like he just won a damn prize.

"How long will this last?"

"About two weeks. That should be enough for Mr. Charleston to find himself a decent assistant."

"So do I get a say in this or is this already decided?" It's not like I didn't want the extra money but the thought of working for Lincoln was just unsettling. I didn't know who he was and if he was the same person from high school then I definitely didn't want anything to do with him.

"If you want to get a bonus then I suggest you take the deal but if I have to force you then it will not be pretty."

"Fine I will do it."

"Good, now I have a meeting to attend." With that he left with just me and Lincoln looking at each other. I tried to pretend like I was going back to my work but Lincoln kept standing there. "Is there something you need Mr. Charleston?"

"Come to my office," he said walking away to his office. I sat there thinking if I wanted to go and then decided to after ten minutes.

When I walked into his office I decide that I was not going to let our past affect how I acted. I was going to be professional and that meant I couldn't be mean. Once I closed the door I saw him sitting on the edge of his desk with his arms crossed over his chest. Just looking at him I could tell he had gotten older. He did not look like the immature little teenager, he looked more like a man. I never really saw him as good looking but right now at this moment I was very much drawn to him. For some reason he was becoming very attractive to me. "What can I help you with?"

"Well you are my assistant," he said smirking.

"Only because I have to. Now answer the question what do you want."

"Why aren't you happy to see me? I thought we were best friends?" he got up and moved closer to me. Instantly his cologne hit me and my knees went weak. I grabbed the arm of a chair to hold me balanced while I soaked him in. "Lincoln just answer the question."

"You first," he stepped closer to where all my personal space had been invaded. I stepped back to gain some air. "Any other time Lincoln I would be thrilled to see you but this is my job not high school."

"What does that mean?"

"It means this is my job and I don't have time to play games. You show up out of nowhere and you just expect me to be happy to see you."

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