Chapter Two

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When I woke up the next morning the smell of food hit my nose and instantly I got scared. I couldn't figure out who could be in my house, let alone cooking in my damn house. As I was thinking I remembered Jordan came back yesterday and relaxed. I laid in bed for a little while longer and then decided to roll out of bed to see what he was cooking. I had a couple of hours before work so I didn't bother getting dressed or anything.

As I entered the kitchen I saw Jordan in his boxers and apron cooking over my stove. "Okay I love when you cook but I would love it more if you put on some damn clothes."

"May bad sis I just wanted to be free, I meant to get dressed before you came down."

"Well I'm down here now so can you go put on some clothes." He went upstairs and then reappeared in shorts and a tee. He finished cooking and then started fixing our plates. "Sit at the table and I will bring you your food." I did as I was told and sat down. He brought over a plate full with pancakes, bacon, and fruit along with a glass of orange juice. "Since when you learn to cook?"

"Well when you on tour and ain't nobody cooking worth a damn you pick up a few things."

"Maybe we should've shipped yo ass off a long time ago then."

"Man whatever, you ain't funny."

"I know I am you don't have to tell me. But for real what you gonna do now that you back?"

"I got a call from m commanding officer and he told me I had a year until I have to be shipped to Korea for a mission. Until then I plan on catching up with the family and trying to be normal."

"You don't want to get a job or something?"

"Nah Imma go and help out a Joe Joe's shop. I loved helping him fix up cars so I think that will be a good thing to clear my mind of things." I did remember how he used to run to Joe Joe's whenever he got upset. That shop was the only way he could clear his mind. "You know Joe would gladly give you a job there like old times, right?"

"I don't need the money I got plenty, I just need the relaxation."

Once we got done eating I end up having to rush to get ready for work. I really didn't want to go since I knew Lincoln would be there but I had no choice. I took a quick shower and then chose to wear a purple short sleeve dress that stopped at my knee and had V cut in the front. It was simple enough and I paired that with my matching pumps. I let my hair hang loose since I didn't have any time to do anything to it. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.

The whole way to work I wanted to just turn around and say fuck work. Once I got to work I saw women lined up all the way outside like we were a club or some shit. I put my things at my desk and tried to get settled with women standing all around me. I didn't know what the hell was going on but when Mr. Steele found out all hell was going to break loose. Just as I was about to call him myself Lincoln walked out with a smirk. "You're finally here?"

"Yea on time like I should be. What the hell is going on here," I asked signaling at the line of women. "I'm having my interviews for my new assistant today."

"Does Mr. Steele know what you are turning his office into? He usually goes about the hiring system another way."

"Sweetheart I am now a partner which means I can do whatever the hell I want to," he said smirking. I had to say I wasn't impressed by his new found power. "Well, good luck with that but can you keep the dramatics away from my desk I have work to do."

"You most certainly do but it won't be at this desk, you are helping me with the interviewing process so get what you need and come into my office."

We Meet Again Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora