Chapter Seven

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I woke up early since I had to go to a meeting at work. I laid there for a minute thinking about what happened between Brianna and me. I just couldn't believe how out of hand things had gotten. I just wanted her to be taken care of especially when our parents weren't around to baby her like they do. She was about to enter the real world and I wanted her to be prepared.

I got up and took a quick shower and applied my usual coco butter to my skin. I went to my closet and found black skinny jeans with a white silk top that draped down in the front with a burgundy blazer to finish it. I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and added little black hanging down earrings. I slipped on my black pumps and called it a day.

When I got downstairs I found Jordan in the kitchen eating cereal. "Morning." He didn't say anything but just nodded, I guess he was still mad. I ignored him and went and got me a yogurt from the fridge.

"Why do you always have to make everyone fit into what you want them to be?" I turned around to look at him like he had lost his mind. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Ever since we were little you have always had to have your way when it came to other people's lives."

"Jordan I have never put my input into your life. I have let you do whatever the hell you wanted even when I didn't agree. The only time I have gave you my opinion is when you asked for it."

"When I decided to join the army, you didn't speak to me for two days!"

"What do you want me to say Jordan? I was disappointed and hurt that you were choosing to leave instead of going to college but I realized that it was your life."

"Then why can't you do that for Brianna?"

"Brianna is a different story."


"Because unlike Brianna, you and me didn't rely on mom and dad to support us when we failed. Brianna has no clue what the real world is about because you and our parents have babied her from the beginning. So excuse me for wanting her to have at least one damn thing to fall back on when mom and dad aren't around to fucking baby her!" with that I grabbed my things and stormed out of the house. I didn't have time for his crap right now. If he wanted to defend Brianna and her decisions so bad then he could be the one to pick her up when she fell because I wasn't about to keep doing it.

By the time I got to work I was so out of it that I didn't know what to do. I sat in my car a minute trying to get my head on straight before I went in with this sour attitude. I just couldn't believe the nerve of Jordan this morning.

I got of the car and headed into the office. When I got in there I found Raquel wearing long sleeves. I walked up to her, "Aren't you hot wearing that since we are in California?" she looked up at me and then back down at her computer. I had to say that was first time she didn't snap back. Instead of dotting on it I just went to my desk to catch up on my own work.

When it was almost time for the meeting to begin I got up and went into Lincoln's office. When I walked in there he was sitting at his desk looking at some papers like he wanted them to explode. "Someone doesn't look happy this morning." He looked up at me and then groaned. "I did I ever tell you I hated my job?"

"I would say I cared but then I would be lying." I took a seat watching him suffer. "Are you ready for the meeting today?"

"As ready as I ever will be. This is project is really starting to be a pain in my ass."

"Just relax, you got this." We hung around little while longer talking while I helped him prepare. I had to organize everything so that his notes ran together like they should.

"Alright people are you ready," Cherish asked walking in looking like a million dollars. "We have to nail this or this entire project will be a nonstarter. We have to wow these investors and convince them to sponsor us."

"Don't worry Cherish, Samaria and Raquel have gotten the budget down and Samaria even helped me get my notes together so just calm down."

"Well in that case Samaria I think you will soon be due for a raise if you keep up the good work."

Once we made any last minute changes we headed to the meeting. The entire time I sat in the back playing a game on my phone because frankly I wasn't interested. I was still on the fight Jordan and I had before left. I just couldn't believe he would attack me like he did like I wasn't his sister either. I get that sometimes we don't agree but that doesn't mean treat me like crap. I had made up my mind that I would not be talking to him because he needed to know I would not be treated like that. I don't care if we don't agree, I still deserve for him to respect my opinion.

When I did look up I was met with the eyes of Lucas. I hadn't really talked to him since he blew up at me other than for work so I looked away. I was already going through enough, I didn't need him adding to it. Once the meeting was done I got my stuff to get ready to leave. "Hey Samaria can you come with me to my office so we can talk," Lucas asked like he was uncomfortable to be here. I just nodded and followed him to his office. I was tense the entire time not knowing what was about to happen. I just knew that if he went off on me again I was going to explode.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" he leaned against his desk and sighed. I could tell he was in deep thought. "I wanted to apologize for everything I said to you the other day. I know I was out of line and I apologize if I hurt your feelings." To say I was surprised by what he said was an understatement. I didn't know what to say. "Um okay."

"I'm serious Samaria, I should've respected your wishes."

"It's fine Lucas, I accept your apology." He smiled. "Good. I was hoping that we could start over and try to be friends." I thought about whether I wanted to be friends with him. Maybe we could be friends. "I wouldn't mind trying that out."

"I will take that."

I left his office feeling lighter. Now I didn't have to worry about avoiding him at every corner just so I wouldn't have to talk to him. I could say good morning to him and actually mean it. "What did he want," Lincoln asked leaning over my desk. "He just wanted to apologize for what he said to me earlier and to try to be friends." His face scrunched up like he didn't like that. "What did you say?"

"I told him we could try it out." Now his face went into a tight frown. Guess he didn't like that. "I don't trust him."

"And why not? He was supposed to be your friend."

"Whatever." He walked off mumbling things under his breath. I didn't know if it was jealousy or immaturity.

I was so tired when I made it home, I just wanted to crawl up in bed and sleep. That all stopped when I came face to face with Brianna and Jordan. I groaned inside.

"Whatever you two have planned can wait, I don't feel like dealing with whatever it is."

"Some things are not about you Samaria."

"But yet everything has to be all about you Brianna."

"Wow never knew Samaria Stewart could be such a bitch."

"Then don't bring your dumb shit into my house." I looked at Jordan and he was just sitting there like a damn statue. "What do you want Brianna?"

"I want to know why you don't trust me to make my own decisions. It's like you are trying to control my damn life."

"Brianna I'm not trying to control your life, I am just trying to make sure you are prepared for life."

"And college will do that?"


"Didn't seem to work out too well for you. I mean you are just a secretary." Now she had crossed the line. Both she and Jordan had attacked me for no damn reason. All I was trying to do was be a good sister but from now on I was done. "You know what Brianna you don't ever have to worry about me interfering with your life again because from here on out I am fucking done. Go to college, don't go to college, I don't give a damn anymore. So congratulations you now only have a brother because you sure as hell don't have a sister. Now get the fuck out of my house!" left the both of them where they were and went upstairs to

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