Chapter Ten

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This morning I woke up to Jordan sitting on my bed. At first I wanted to kick him off with my foot but I really wasn't in the mood to deal with him. I just wanted him gone. "Can you please leave?" he didn't say anything but kept eating his cereal like I didn't say anything to him. "I'm going to ask one more time and then I'm going to beat yo ass."

"Why you so damn hostile?"

"Why are you in my damn room when you know I don't like you right now?"

"I need to ask you something."

"And I need you to get out of my room."

"So what's up with Raquel?"

"Go ask her your damn self Jordan."

"Why can't you tell me?"

"Because I don't fucking like you right now!"

"But I'm your brother."

"No, right now I am the only sibling. No matter of fact I'm not even a part of the damn family because frankly everyone is getting on my nerves."

"Okay then put that aside and just tell me what I need to know Samaria."

"Jordan get the fuck out of my room because I don't have time for your shit. If you want to know something about Raquel then go ask her your fucking self because right now I'm not having anything to do with you at this point." I guess he got the message finally and slowly got up and left my room. I don't like we are not close right now but I refuse to let him think he can treat me any kind of way. Yes, I miss my brother but I will not give in on how I feel.

After I took a shower I picked out a red high waist pencil skirt with a black sheer blouse and black pumps. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I went downstairs and found Raquel sitting on the couch eating cereal too. "So this must be a cereal eating household," I said with my hand on my hip. "Damn what's got you so mad?"


"Well, before I get the chance to make it to your bad side let us go to work because I like my new bed." She put her dish in the kitchen and then dragged me out the door. I had to say Raquel was becoming sort of a friend and that was something I never thought would happen. I did think one day I would have to hurt her because of her mouth, not that we would be going to work together or even living in the same household.

Soon as I got to work Lucas came out of his office to call me in his I put my things down and then followed him in.

"What can I help you with?"

"I need you to help me with a new client that wants to use my resources for his new project."

"And how can I help you with that?"

"See the guy is playing hard ball when it comes to payment."

"Again how can I help you with this?"

"Since this guy wants to use my men and steel without properly paying me, I want you to look into him and find out what you can on him. I need to know everything I can on this guy before I think about doing any further business with him."

"And then what?"

"Then I want you to set up a meeting with me and him." I wrote down what he said and then nodded. "Is that all?"


When I got back to my desk and sat down Lincoln came up. I sighed mentally. "And what can I do for you?"

"I need you to redo and review the budget to fit the improvements we made."

"Okay but I have to finish something for Lucas first." He scrunched up his face. "Do whatever you need to for him but make sure it gets done by the end of the week."

"Okay." He turned to walk away but then came back. "Oh and I will pick you at seven." Now I was the one to scrunch up my face and then it me, our date. "Okay." I didn't know if I was up to going on a date but I knew I couldn't back out of it. I figured he had already planned everything out and I didn't want to ruin that.

After work I rushed home to get ready for my date with Lincoln. I didn't know what to wear so I had to find something sexy but comfortable at the same time. I had just gotten out the shower and was looking for something to wear when Raquel walked in my room. "Man yo room is messy."

"I can't find anything to wear!"

"All these clothes and you can't find anything to wear?" she went to my closet and began looking through my clothes. I sat on the bed and watched her. "So do you have to wear a dress or can this be kind of dressy casual?"

"I don't know, he hasn't told me anything about where we are going."

"Well then you are going to be dressy casual. Are you excited about the date though?"

"I guess, I just don't want to get my hopes up for nothing."

"I told you to just give him a chance and see what happens." I sighed and nodded. "Found something." She pulled out a pair of ripped blue skinny jeans with a pink crew neck long t-shirt. "Isn't that too little?"

"Nope. Since you don't know where you are going, put this on and then dress it up with your hair and makeup. Not to mention your shoes."


"I will pick out your jewelry while you get dressed." I put on the clothes and did my hair and makeup like she said. I decided to put my hair in a tight bun on the top of my head so it wouldn't be in the way. "See you still look sexy without being over the top." I looked at the clock and saw I only had ten minutes until he would be here. "Hey don't worry everything will be fine. If it doesn't go well, you will move on and find somebody that will."

"You make it seem so easy."

"I know I'm not an expert on relationships but it is. You just have to have faith and confidence in yourself." The doorbell rang and Raquel went to get it. I put on my shoes and purse and headed down after her. When I got down there I found Lincoln dressed in kaki cargo shorts with a white button down cotton shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves. "Glad to see I didn't over dress." He smiled as he watched me approach him. "You still beautiful."

"Why thank you." He grabbed me by my hand and led me to his car. "So where we going?"

"Get in the car and find out."

After thirty minutes of driving we arrived at the beach Crystal Cove. We got out and went to a part of the beach where he had a mini picnic set up that overlooked the setting sun. "Wow this is amazing."

"I thought you would like it." We sat down and took out the food and began to talk to each other. It felt nice to just be able to talk to him without worrying if he was going to switch up on me at any moment. Being with him like this showed me that maybe we could be together and happy, but I needed more than just one day. I still didn't know if I could trust him.

"So I have a question."

"And what is that?"

"Do you think you could ever give me and you a chance?"

"Honestly right now I don't know. I still need to take some time to see if you have truly changed."

"So you don't think I have changed?"

"Everyone changes, I just need to make sure you have changed in a way opposite of who you were in high school. In school I was a second thought to you and that hurt me even though I didn't say anything, it did." He put down his drink and grabbed my hand. "I know I wasn't the best person back in school and I'm sorry I made you feel that way."

"Its fine I'm over it now but I need for us to things slow for right now"

"I can understand that."


"But I do have one more question."

"What's that?"

"Just because we are taking things slow does that mean we can't share a kiss or two?"

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