Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Are you sure you are ready to do this?" I looked at Jordan as he strolled through his phone. He looked up at me and nodded. "Yea, you were right. I need to talk to someone about what I'm going through." We were currently sitting in the waiting room of a therapist office. He had finally made the decision to see one since he was still having nightmares. "You know what this means right?"


"That you should listen to me more often." He scrunched his face and laughed. "I don't know about that but I will give you credit for this." I pushed him and he pushed me back. "Seriously though, thank you for being here for me. I really do appreciate this."

"Jordan you know I will always be there for you." We sat in silence for a minute thinking about different things.

"So what's up with you juggling two guys at the same time?" I turned to him confused.

"I am not juggling two guys at the same time."

"So you don't think going out with both your boss, Lucas, and Lincoln, your other boss, is juggling two guys at the same time?"

"What are you talking about? The only guy I have been on a date with is Lincoln. Lucas is just a friend." Now he turned around to me. "Are you so sure about that?"

"Yes, Jordan I'm sure."

"Then what do you call what you and Lucas go and do?"

"We don't do anything. All we do is hang out occasionally." He made another face. "Okay so what do you do when you hang out?"

"Well, recently he put up a projector and showed a movie in his backyard. We had popcorn and candy, we even had a food fight." I crossed my arms in victory since I felt like I proved my point. He looked at me weirdly.

"You do know that no guy goes through all that trouble if they want to be just friends."

"What are you talking about?"

"No guy does all what you just said if he wants to be just friends with you. He wants to be more, you're just too dumb to see it." He turned back around like he had won something. I had never really thought of that before and now I was starting to see Lucas different. In my mind he was just friend. I didn't know if I could handle anymore.

"Hey look maybe he is just being a good friend." I looked at him unsure. "Then why would you say the other stuff?"

"I just know if I did what this guy is doing, I wouldn't want to end up in the friend zone."

"Now I'm just confused as hell." He grabbed my hand. "Don't be. Just pick the guy you think is worthy of your time and heart."

"That would mean he is trying to be something more."

"Well, if you find out he does go for him."

"Wait I thought you liked Lincoln?" he sighed. "I do as a friend, but I think Lucas is what's best for you. I think he will be the guy you need in your life." I sat back bewildered as hell. Things just kept happening and I just wanted a breather. "So what about you and Raquel? Are you two gonna go out anytime soon?"

"Right now I'm just letting her work out her issues and give her, her space. I don't want to rush into anything she's not ready for."

"So you do like her?"

"I mean yea. I think she's cool but I'm not ready to be in anything complicated." I just nodded. I really didn't care if they were together or not as long as she didn't hurt my brother. She had become a friend and I didn't want to lose her but I wouldn't tolerate her hurting my little brother.

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