Chapter Sixteen

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Throughout the entire day at work I have been in a real foul mood from yesterday's dinner. I just couldn't get over how Brianna was acting and how she could pretend like I was nothing and had never done anything for her. I was the one who raised her when our parents were too busy working and yet she seems to blame me for everything. I was so done with trying to do things for people that didn't give a damn about it. She was the last person I thought that would treat me that way.

I barely talked to anyone and when I did I was either snapping on them or a complete asshole. Word was spreading around about my attitude so people were making sure to stay away from me. I was in the middle of doing some work when Lucas came out calling me in his office.

"You need anything?"

"Yea for you to tell me why you have half of my staff scared to go near you." I bit my lip. "I don't know why they are spreading rumors about me like that." I looked at him and I could tell he didn't believe me. "You want to try that again."

"Fine, I'm just mad from what happened at my parents' last night."

"What happened?"

"Well basically my sister once again ganged up on me because I care about her. She even had the nerve to talk about my personal life. I mean I practically raised that ungrateful girl and this is how she treats me." I sat down in a chair. "Then maybe you should let her figure things out for herself. Stop telling her what she should do and let her do what she wants."

"Trust me at this point she can do whatever the hell she wants. I don't give a damn if she wants to be a clown, she go join the circus for all I care."

"You don't mean that."

"Yea I do. She crossed the line with what she said and I be damn if I keep being her punching bag. I love my sister but I refuse to keep letting her treat me this way."

"So what you are just going to keep your distance from her from now on?"

"Look I don't know how long I'm going to do this, I just know Brianna is different. She has changed and if this is a permanent thing then I don't need to be around her. Of course I want us to be able to be around each other but that's up to her now." He nodded then looked down like he was thinking. "I got a question?"

"Maybe I got an answer." She laughed. "You and Lincoln dating now?"

"Right now we are just seeing how things go. I don't want to jump right into something and then get hurt. I want to make sure he is the person I want to be with." He nods again and goes back to sit at his desk. He gets a file and then looks something over.

"Are we done here now?"

"No." he slid a file over to me. "In a month we are going to L.A."


"It's a business trip for a client."

"And why exactly why do I have to come. I don't know anything about this client you are going to meet."

"That's what the file is for. The file tells you everything you need to know about the client. I want you to make any necessary notes and get them back to me."

"And you're sure you want me to do this?"

"Samaria you can handle this and besides you are technically still my assistant." I looked over the files to see how much information I had to read. "One more thing."

"What is it?"

"Um what you doing Friday?"

"Nothing that I know of."

"In that case you want to go somewhere with me?" I thought about it then decided. "Sure why not. Where we going?"

"It's a secret." I laughed while nodding. "Fine I will wait."

After talking to Lucas I felt way better. I was able to get my work done without snapping on any more people. Most people just stayed away from me which I couldn't say made me any difference. Everything went smoothly. I was happy I was able to talk to someone about my problems without feeling like I was the one in the wrong. Seemed like people were just against me for no reason.

Five o'clock rolled around which meant it was time for me to finally go home. "You ready to go," Lincoln asked coming to my desk. "Yea let me grab my things."

The car ride was silent and that gave me a chance to do a little thinking. I was trying to convince myself why Lincoln and I would be a good couple. He did know everything about me and I knew everything about him too. We knew each other. I just didn't know if that qualified us to be together. "You thinking mighty hard over there," he said pulling up in my drive way.

"A lot to think about these days."

"Anything you want to share?"

"Nah I've done enough sharing today."

"With who?" by now he was looking upset. "With Lucas."

"Why the hell you sharing shit with him?! You two dating now or something?"

"No we aren't dating, he is just a friend."

"Since when we become friends with someone that treated you like shit? I thought you said he was an ass or some shit to you?"

"He was but he apologized for the things he said and did. He asked for us to start over and that's what we are doing."

"And you believe that shit he spitting to you? I know you aren't that dumb." I laughed at his comment. "No, but apparently I'm dumb enough to think you have changed. Get this straight, you don't get to dictate who I do and don't talk to." I put my hand on the door to get out but he stopped me.

"I'm sorry I just got a little jealous. I don't like the idea of someone coming and trying to take what's mine or could be mine." I didn't say anything to him. I was still very pissed off. He sighed. "Look I have to go away for two weeks."


"Cherish and I are going to Atlanta to scope out some things for the project."

"Just you two?"

"Yea just us two. I have to go on this trip to make sure everything is in order and that the money is going where it should."

"How come Raquel and I aren't going then? I mean we are on the project too."

"We can't afford to send both of ya'll." I didn't say anything. "Look don't be mad, I promise I will be back in two weeks." I really didn't know how to feel about him leaving but I didn't have a choice. I couldn't really be mad since we weren't together officially. "Its fine, I'll see you when you get back." He smiled and kissed me on the lips.

When I got in the house I was so tired. Being angry all day had really wore me down. I took off my shoes and made my way up to my room. When I opened the door Jordan was sitting on my bed looking at something. "Can you tell me why you are in my room sitting on my bed?"

"Just looking at this." He held up a picture with all three of us smiling. I just sighed taking out something else to put on. I didn't really want to talk about our fucked up family any more. "Jordan I can't do this right now. Besides aren't you on Brianna side?"

"I told you, I'm not on anyone side. I just want us to go back to the way we used to be."

"I doubt that will happen anytime soon Jordan. Brianna is in her own world right now and I don't fit in that world."

"What if we try to talk to her?"

"Jordan I am done fucking talking to that girl. She is only eighteen and has the nerve to talk to me like she is on my level. You can talk to her but I'm done."

"She is still our sister."

"No, she is still your sister. And if you think for one minute that she won't turn on you like she turned on me then you are naïve. Once you disagree with her too she will treat you the same damn way."

"So what are we supposed to do about our family then?"

"We are supposed to let things play out the way they should and if we are meant to be one happy family then we will be."

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