Chapter Nine

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As I woke up I rolled over I saw the clock read 6:30 so I had two hours until I had to be at work. I then smelled food in the air and I instantly got hungry. I went and took a shower and then got dressed in an all-black long sleeve dress that stopped mid-thigh. I put on my makeup and then curled my hair so that it had big wavy curls. Once I was done I grabbed my shoes and went to find out where the smell of food was coming from.

I made it to the kitchen to find Raquel and Jordan laughing like they have known each other for a long time. "And what is this?" they stopped and looked at me like I was interrupting. "We were just talking and getting to know each other."

"Well I came to see where the food was coming from."

"Oh I cooked us breakfast and I was trying to keep Jordan from eating it all from you." I just nodded and went to the food not really acknowledging Jordan since I wasn't really up to deal with him. Jordan and I have never fought this long but I refuse to let him think he can just say and do whatever he wants. I love my brother but I will not let him treat me a certain way because of Brianna or anything else.

"Didn't know you could cook," I said as I put some fruit in my mouth. I grabbed a plate and filled it with waffles, bacon, and eggs. They got some food and sat down too. The entire time I just ate and let Raquel and Jordan talk. I didn't want to talk to him at all or even be in the same room. I thought he was my brother and right now I don't know what he is. When I finished I grabbed my things and told Raquel I was about to go to work.

When I got to work I was kind of ready to go back to bed. I was just tired of things and my family at this point. As I was walking to my desk Lincoln came by and pulled me into his office. "What is it Lincoln I'm not in the mood."

"Damn what got you so pissy?"

"My family as always."

"Well how about I make you feel better?

"And how are you going to do that?"

"By taking you out on a date," he said smirking. "And what if I don't want to go on a date with you?"

"The fact you thought you had a choice is funny." He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into him, "I'm serious though, I want to show you how serious I am about us." I sighed. "Before I give you answer let me think on it. I need to make sure this is what I want." He let me go and nodded. I know he was hurt by what I said but I didn't want to jump into things without knowing what I want.

"So what's up with Raquel being at your house?"

"She's going through something right now and I am just helping her out for a while."

"I thought you couldn't stand her?"

"People change," I said shrugging. "Whatever you say," he said laughing and going back to sit at his desk.

After that I went back to work o I could get my mind off of everything. It seemed like everything was working against me and all I wanted was a break. I needed some time to just process and be left the hell alone.

At lunch time Raquel came to my desk like something was wrong. "Do we have a problem or something," she asked looking at me. "Not that I know of."

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

"Honestly I didn't think you wanted people to know you liked me or something. I have been in these situations before so I didn't want to embarrass myself in thinking one thing when you think another."

"I would never do that to you, especially after what you are doing for me. I know when you first met me I came off like a bitch but I want to be friends with you if you let me." I never thought Raquel would be saying these things to me. Usually I wouldn't give people a chance but something about Raquel told me to give her a chance.

We went and grabbed lunch at a café. I got a ham and cheese panni with an ice coffee. "So you and Jordan seem to be going through something."

"When aren't Jordan and I go through something." I sat back thinking about all the fights we have been through. I know siblings have issues but it seems like my family always finds something to argue about. "I just know he doesn't seem like the kind of person that would treat you disrespectfully."

"True but we do have our issues and sometimes it just gets to be too much."

"Yea I can understand that, that's kind of why I don't talk to my family. Sometimes you have to just be yourself and if others don't agree then you have to let them go." I nodded. "So what's up with you and boss man Lincoln."

"I've known Lincoln from school and we were kind of friends and now he's back and he wants to take me on a date."

"Are you going to let him?"

"I don't know. I want to be able to trust him but from his actions in school, I don't know if he has really changed or not." I wanted to believe Lincoln but there was still a part of me that was telling me not to go down that road. Anytime I put my trust in Lincoln, he just walked over it like it wasn't even there or important. "I think you need to just give him a chance and see where it leads."

Soon as we got back to the office I went to Lincoln's office. "You busy?" he looked up from his computer, "Never for you." I smiled. "I brought you something."

"What?" I sat a bag of food from the café we went to on his desk. "That better be food in there."

"Of course. I got you a bacon cheese burger with a chocolate milkshake." He smiled and got up attacking the food. "Didn't think you liked me this much." He took the burger and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Well I like you enough to let you take me on a date." He dropped his burger and looked at me in shock. "You mean it?"

"Yea I talked it over with Raquel and she told me to give you a chance so that's what I'm doing."

"So you and Raquel are cool now?"

"We getting there."

"In that case I will set something up for tomorrow night."

"Whatever, better make it count."

By the time I go home I just wanted to eat and go to bed. But soon as I stepped in the house my parents along with Jordan and Brianna were waiting for me. I sighed deeply. "Why is it that every time I step foot in my house there is someone that doesn't live here, here?"

"We came to see you and talk to you about what's happening."

"And what's happening?"

"This thing with you and your sister," my dad spoke up. "There is nothing going on with me and her. I have said what I need to say to her and that's it." I sat my things down on the couch and then sat down myself. "She is your sister Samaria."

"Then in that case my sister shouldn't have been disrespectful to me."

"I wasn't disrespectful to you," Brianna chimed in with an attitude. I looked at her and then looked back at our parents. "Can you please tell me why you brought her here?"

"You two need to talk it out."

"I'm done talking to Brianna. She is at the point she think she is grown and honestly I am done dealing with her shit. Just because you are my sister doesn't mean I will take your shit and that goes for Jordan too. Our whole life you have told me that siblings are supposed to stick together and be there for one another but neither one of them have done that for me. I am always there whenever they need but they can't be there for me. Until they can start being a sibling to me then I am done."

"Samaria I know you are hurt right now but this is still your family," my mom said trying to make things better. Every time we got in a fight she would come in and try to fix things in which I have to be the bigger person. I was at the point I was done being the bigger person. "Mom there is no way to fix this."

"They are still your family."

"Then they need to start acting like it." I got up and got my things to go upstairs. "I expect to see you at Sunday dinner," my mom yelled. "Okay but you need to get her out of my house and from now on she is not welcomed to or in my house." I didn't give her a chance to say anything else and just went upstairs. Honestly I wanted to kick Jordan out to but I decided to just let it go and avoid him all together. Right now I am just done with people.

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