Chapter Four

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As I am sleeping I am woken up by a loud banging on my door. I turn over and put my pillow on my head to tune out the sound to go back to sleep. I thought Jordan would get it but after ten minutes I realized Jordan wasn't home. I groaned and rolled out of bed and headed downstairs.

As I get closer to the door the person bangs louder and harder like they ae the damn police. When I open the door it reveals Lincoln on the other side. He was standing with a pizza and a bottle of wine like we were going on a picnic. "Lincoln what are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you were okay."

"I'm fine now good night," I was about to close the door until he put his foot in the way. "At least let me come in."

"How did you even know where I live?"

"Sweetheart I have access to any file in that office."

"Isn't that illegal or something?"

"Maybe but I had a good reason."

"And what reason was that?"

"Will you just let me in damn? I look like a homeless person begging for shelter or some shit." I study him for a while and then sighed and let him in. he put the food down and sat on the couch. It then clicked in me where the hell Jordan was so I sent him a text. When he said he was at the shop I sighed relief and told him to be safe. It was ironic since he was trained to kill but I just needed to tell him.

"Who you texting?"

"None of your business," I said sitting down beside him. We were silent for a while until he finally said something. "So you and Lucas fucking?"

"What are you talking about?" this felt too familiar. "I'm just asking because of what I saw this morning."

"Trust me nothing is going on between me and Lucas and it never will." I couldn't help but think of what he said to me. Just the thought of his words made me want to cry and cuss at the same time.

"Then why were ya'll all hugged up when I walked in?"

"He grabbed me out of nowhere and wouldn't let go. When you came in I was finally able to get free from him."

"So he trying to hurt you," he asked looking at me with seriousness. "Not that I know of. He has been asking me out and every time I tell him no but he said he was tired of waiting for me to say yes."

"So what you gonna do?"

"I don't know maybe you can talk to him, he is your friend. Honestly I just want to be left alone."

"You know if he ever tries to do something like that again you can just come to me and I will put him in his place." At this point I just couldn't help but laugh at his statement. The thought him swooping in and saving me. "What's so funny?"

"You are," I said laughing more. "I just can't believe you are sitting here talking about protecting me when you haven't protected me a day in your life but now you are."

"You saying I never protected you?"

"Lincoln all you did was pretend to be there for me. In your mind you were the best friend ever but in actuality I was the furthest thing from your mind."

"Why would you say that?"

"Just forget it Lincoln it doesn't matter now, I can handle Lucas."

"You shouldn't have handle him; he should learn to keep his fucking hands off of you."

"Why does it matter to you Lincoln? Why are you so worked up over this?" I didn't understand why he was so upset when he has never cared a damn about me. He is usually so far up his own ass that he forgets I even exist. "I care because I care about you."

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