Chapter Twenty-Five

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It had been a long week and frankly I was tired as hell. All I wanted to do was go home and never get out of my bed until Monday. Ever since Lucas dismissed me, I have been down not really into anything. Including Lincoln. Now that I know my feelings I just haven't been able to be the same with Lincoln. I thought we could work something out but now I know why nothing happened in high school. We weren't meant to be. I was trying to force something that never needed to happen. All the signs were there but I just closed my eyes and ignored them.

I was walking to my car when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and found Lincoln walking towards me with his hands in his pockets. "Lincoln I'm not in the mood for work stuff. I just want to go home."

"This isn't about work."

"Then what is it about?" he straightened his shoulders and stiffed at the same time. "Us."

"What about us?"

"Why have you been avoiding me all week?" he came closer and stood directly in front of me. I sighed. "I have a lot on my mind Lincoln."

"Then let me take you out to dinner to take your mind off of things." I guess I had to him the truth. "Look Lincoln I need to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

"I know why we never worked out and why I was never ever sure about us."

"Why is that?"

"Because we are only meant to be friends. We never got anywhere in high school because we don't work as a couple. We are trying to make something out of nothing." I looked into his eyes and they were now cold. His jaw was tense as he tried to control his actions. He watched me for a minute then stepped back.

"This is about Lucas ass isn't it? This is why he wanted Raquel as his assistant."

"Look all I'm saying is I think we should stay friends. I don't want to lose our friendship, not after we just started getting to a good point." He laughed stepping back to me. "As far as our friendship goes, we don't have a fucking friendship. We never did. Lucas doesn't you're your ass and now neither do I, so you stay out of my way or I'll make you." He looked at me one more time and then turned to walk away. I leaned against my car not knowing what to do. My life was spinning out of control fast.

When I got home I found Brianna sitting on my porch. I mentally sighed. I couldn't deal with her shit today. I got out ready to tell her ass to get the fuck off my property until I saw her face. She was bruised and bloody all over. I could tell she had been crying. "What the hell happened to you? To your face?" she just looks at me as if pleading with me to help her. "You were the only person I could come to Samaria." I wanted to be mean and tell her oh well but I couldn't. I promised myself a long time ago that no matter what I would protect them even from their selves.

I grabbed her by her arm and helped her to her feet. She could barely stand without twitching in pain. I helped her on slowly and laid her on the couch when we got inside. I went into the kitchen and got a cloth with water and came back started to clean up her face. The more I cleaned the less I found my sister. "I don't know what you got yourself into, but this is not good baby sister." I continued to clean her up until she was able to be seen without blood everywhere.

"Who did this to you Brianna?" I looked at her waiting but she shook her head no. She looked terrified.

"Whether you tell me or not, I know something has happened to you. Something has occurred the reason you have started acting the way you are all of a sudden and if you don't tell me what it is then I can't help you baby sister. I can't protect you, if you won't let me in." she looked away biting her lip to death.

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