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Dash quickly ordered Lucas to get the pack doctor down their to tend to her injuries. While he was alone with her he slowly looked her over, she had too many cuts to count just on her stomach, arms and chest, blood had mixed with dirt and soaked the shorts she had on. Her hair was sweaty and bloody, he couldn't tell if her hair was black or brown with how much dirt, and blood was in it.

He moved slowly behind her, and took a sharp breath at how raw and torn her back was due to the multiple lashes she'd recieved. Dash looked away, his chest tightening ad he remembered just how much damage his own hands had caused to her. Her words, along with his mothers ran through his head.

Monster. Poor girl through hell. Monster. Monster.

No matter how many times he tried, he couldn't stop hearing her pained voice calling him a monster, and she wasn't wrong. Since his father and sisters death he had become a monster. He jerked his head towards the door as the pack doctor and Lucas walked back into the room. Dr. Sterling froze when he seen the girl hanging there bloddied and torn. His eyes running over her, Dash growled low in warning not caring if it was just the doctor. Having another male look at her was hard.

"I want you to help her." Dash ordered. Dr. Sterling moved closer and Dash had to force himself to watch as the doc moved his hands over her body, to see how deep the wounds were ect.

"I- I don't know if I can Alpha." Dr. Sterling admitted.

Dash growled loudly, taking a step forward. "You. Will. Save. Her!"

Dr. Sterling straightened his spine. "Alpha she's got numerous cuts, lacerations, and bones are broken. She hasn't had food or a decent amount of water in what looks like days. If we try to move her, her body may go into shock. She has poor circulation from being hung up like- that. I just don't know if her chances are good."

Dash flinched each time the doctor mentioned her injuries. Shaking his head, "you'll do what you can to help. She will die if we leave her like this." The doctor nodded, his face grim as he stared back at the woman.

"We have to move her. Get her to the clinic quickly." The doctor said, going to move her but Dash stopped him and took over the process.

"Get to the clinic Doc because as soon as I release her I'm running there." The doctor just turned and ran out of the room. Dash unchained her arms slowly, then picked her up in his hands, ignoring Lucas's worried stare. He swallowed back a growl as he tried his best to ignore the sickening wet sound as her back pressed against his arm. He ran out of the cells and to the clinic. Dash set her down just as Emerald's body began to shake and jerk.

"She's going into shock!" Dr. Sterling shouted. His team running around. Dr. Sterling appeared in front of Dash, "Alpha you need to leave. Your distracting, please."

Dash was about to argue when he heard one of the other nurses shout that her paulse was flatlining. Dash nodded and Dr. Sterling left him and returned to Emerald. Dash looked at her one last time before leaving the room. He felt guilt, regret, and sadness weighing him down. He not only had harmed his mate, but he'd let another as well. He looked down at the blood he had on him and his body began to shake. He may have very well killed his own mate.

Lucas appeared in the hallway, followed by Kathy. She took one look at her son and froze. She remembered that look he had in his eyes very well, it was the same look as when her mate and daughter had been killed. Kathy moved forward and though she was confused on whaylt was g o ing on she knew her son needed her. She wrapped her arms around Dash and rubbed his back as he took a shuttered breath.

"I fucked up.. I fucked up!" Dash kept whispering. "I killed her." Dash said as he moved out of his mothers arms and fled the now blood scented clinic. He needed to shift or he'd go crazy. Once he was outside he shifted into his large black wolf and ran. He would run until he was exhausted.

Emerald and the Alpha #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now