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Emerald kept jerking her gaze to each and every male who surrounded her. Though she was young when she had ran away she wasn't oblivious to what males could do to a lone female. She had unfortunately witnessed it before and she had wished on everything at that time that she could save the female but she hadn't yet learned of her abilities at the time.

Emerald felt her pain overtaking her fear and was now squinting as she faught against the rising pain. "Just let me leave- I won't come back!" She begged, though from the looks she received from not only the Alpha but the males who surrounded her she knew that she would never be let go. Emerald was about to speak again when more rustling sounds came from behind the alpha, looking closer Emerald seen the older woman and another male who wore a white coat.

Emerald looked around, making sure that the others stayed where they were and didn't try to advance on her. Emerald jerked her gaze back toward the Alpha after hearing movement but it was the older woman who moved closer. Emerald wasn't stupid enough to believe this woman was harmless. She'd seen several rouges who we're female some weak, some strong. "Stay back!" Emerald whimpered. All her years of being alone she's never been this afraid. She was on unknown territory, surrounded by monsters that would torture a woman with no evidence of any sort.

"Child please calm down. Your still hurt, your going to make it worse. I know you were treated horribly, I know- but please trust me when I say it won't happen again. No one will harm you!" The woman said, but Emerald shook her head. How could she believe this person? How could they sprout out such lies like it was nothing?

"If you really won't harm me again, let me leave!" Emerald shouted, feeling the tears leave her eyes. The pain was now consistent and Emerald knew if she was to try an escape she needed to do it now or else she wouldn't be able to. Emerald looked once again for an escape and seen a branch above the Alpha. Could she make that jump in her condition? She didnt know, but she was going to try! Without further hesitation, Emerald ran at the woman and at the last second she turned and jumped to the branch, though she and her body screamed in denial she pulled herself up swinging and then letting go. She gasped as she hit the ground and ran for the border. She was so close when she felt something stab into her side. She looked down and seen a weird cylinder with a fuzzy top, grabbing and pulling it out she instantly seen the needle at the other end.

Hand shaking, Emerald dropped the dart and looked up, noticing the male who wore the white coat holding a small pistal. Emerald staggard, feeling suddenly tired. She knew it was too easy! Monsters like this wouldnt let their prey go.. Emerald whimpered in defeat. She'd never leave here alive..

Her last sight before she blacked out was the Alpha and the woman who both looked worried and- regretful standing over her.

Emerald and the Alpha #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now