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Emerald couldn't place it, but Dash, Kathy and Lucas have been acting strange for the last couple days. They seemed to be on edge, eager for something, but Emerald didn't have the faintest idea what. Finally having enough of the step around, and all of them changing the subject she grabbed Lucas and glared up at him.

"Lucas what is going on with you, Dash and Kathy?" Emerald asked. She watched Lucas as he looked anywhere, but at her. He seemed nervous, and that was driving emerald nuts.

"Luna, we're just expecting some guests. Thats all." Before Emerald could ask him anything, he made up some excuse and made a bee line for the door. Grumbling under her breath, Emerald decoded to ask the big man, and this time she refused to let him walk away. Emerald walked to Dash's office, opened the door and shut it behind her. Since she received the mark, and talked to Kathy she admitted she didn't want to be away from Dash, and that wasn't a bad thing. She also realized that no one was going to hurt her, and even though she was still a bit skittish she was slowly becoming more of her previous self.

Dash looked up wide eyed, not used to someone just barging into his office. His eyes landed on his mate, and he grinned. The grin soon slipped completely off his face, when he seen the sparks of anger in his mates beautiful eyes. "Whats wrong?" Dash asked, standing up and walking towards her.

Emerald put her hand up, stopping Dash from moving any closer to her. She had learned quickly, that if he got to close to her he could make her lose her train of thought and she didn't want that now. "I want to know what's going on."

Dash knew exactly what his mate was asking, but he couldn't tell her the truth, as much as that upset him. He still believed keeping it a secret was better. "What are you talking about?" Dash raised his brow, faking confused.

Emerald sighed, and shook her head. "Don't play that way with me Dash. Kathy, Lucas and you have been acting tense and strangely distant these last two days. Why?" Emerald watched the wheels turn in Dash's head.

Dash shrugged, "we're expecting a guest, he'll be staying with us for the next couple days. He's an Alpha. That's really it. We're always tense when Alpha's and other pack's come onto our territory." Dash wasn't completely lying. The pack did get tense and a bit more alert when other packs came to visit. It just wasn't the same now.

Emerald stared at him for a long moment, she could see that there was something else, but decided to drop it. She'd find out eventually. "Fine. But, I'll figure it out eventually. What am I to do when this guest's arrives? Wait when is he coming?" Emerald asked, now realizing she never did ask.

Dash moved closer, engulfing Emerald in his arms. "You'll stay beside me or my mother. And, he should be here sometime today. I also have another request. I want you to share a room with me while this Alpha's here." Dash spoke the last quickly, fearing the rejection from his mate. He knew and understood her hesitation, and while he didn't blame her what so ever for it. He still wanted his mate by his side, in his bed, and one day he hopes to have her trust.

Emerald's eyes widened, her cheeks flaming. He wanted her to share a room with him? Emerald knew that eventually she would, but she hadn't really thought about what it would mean. Even if Dash said 'just while the Alpha was there,' Emerald knew that as soon as the Alpha left, she would still be in Dash's room. She couldn't see Dash letting her go once she was there. Feeling her cheeks burn hotter she ducked her head.

Dash chuckled lightly as he watched Emerald's face light up. He grabbed her chin gently, tilting her face up so that she could look into his eyes as he spoke. "I won't do anything that you don't want me to do, or give me permission to do. I just would feel a whole lot better if you were in the room with me."

Emerald knew that he was telling the truth, and she sighed shakily. "You promise..." Emerald whispered.

Dash smiled, nodding. "I promise little mate."

Emerald bit her lip, then nodded. "Alright then. I'll stay in your room until the Alpha's gone."

Dash leaned down slowly, giving Emerald the time to push him away, or to move away herself if she didn't want his kiss. Dash was beyond happy when she stayed still, and her eyes fluttered closed as his lips touched hers lightly. Dash closed his own eyes, savoring the soft feel of her lips against his. When he felt her kiss back, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, his kiss turning from gentle almost experimental, to hungry. His tongue prodded her lips, wanting entrance and Dash nearly groaned when she didn't even hesitate to give him what he wanted.

Emearld knew he's be happy with her agreement, but she didn't know he'd kiss her. She had to be honest with herself. She'd craved his kisses, his touch and while she was too scared, and embarrassed to ask, right now she wouldn't be. She'd savor this time with him, and hoped to the goddess that she could find strength to be brave for next time. Emerald wrapped her arms around Dash's neck, her fingers intertwining with his hair. Her hand's having a mind of their own, tugged at his hair and a shot of something went through her when she heard Dash groan against her lips. His taste, and scent intoxicated her to the point she was sure she wouldn't be able to stand straight without his support, let alone walk.

Dash had a way of making her fuzzy on the inside, to make her forget every care or worry she's had. It was nice. A knock on the door made Dash slowly break the kiss, he growled lowly, never taking his eyes off of Emerald. "What is it?" Dash demanded, irritated that someone had interrupted his time with Emerald.

Lucas's voice rang through, stiff. "Alpha Lane is here."

Emerald watched as Dash's eyes darkened even more, nearing pitch black once the name was mentioned. She frowned, wondering if this wasn't a 'friendly' visit. "Are you okay?" Emerald asked, again her hand moving without thought to his cheek, rubbing the little stubs against his chin. She loved the way they felt, and it made Dash look much more mature and eh- manlier?

"I'm fine." Dash knew after kissing his mate that way, that it wouldn't be wise to just release her so he walked her backwards and set her against his desk. She blushed immediately and Dash wanted to kiss her again. He stared at her lips and frowned, Alpha Lane had the worst timing. Pulling all of his strength in, Dash straightened even though he was still slightly shaken by the passion they'd shared he was better at keeping it hidden. "I'll go see the Alpha. Once your ready, come find me."

Emerald nodded in understanding, closing her eyes and sighing when Dash leaned forward to place a small, lingering kiss on her forehead before turning and leaving her in his office.

Emerald and the Alpha #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now