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Emerald heard the beeping before she even had the chance to open her eyes. She was annoyed by the sound and more than anything had wanted it to stop. She opened her eyes slowly, cringing as the brightness of the room made her eyes sting. Emerald looked around, having no idea where she was. She turned toward the beeping, and froze when she realized that the monitor was hooked to her chest.

She frowned, then looked around the room again more slowly, she was in the pack's medical building? Why? Emerald didn't really pay attention to the pain as she moved but ripped the wires off of her. The machine blared to life with continuously long 'beeeep' sound and it was so loud Emerald worried that someone would come. She hurried off the bed and went for the window, she jumped out just as she heard someone yell that "the patient is gone." But Emerald didn't stop, she ran as fast as she could, trying to shift but each time she nearly collapsed in pain.

She knew what the Alpha was doing, he was healing her because he wanted to torture her more! That monster! She heard a long, pained howl and froze. Why did that sad howl tug at her heart? Why did she want to go back? She shook her head and began to run again, she was going insane! Why the hell did she want to stick around?

She ran, and just as she was about to cross onto no mans land she was tackled. Emerald gasped in pain and because the breath had been knocked out of her for a moment. She then screamed, clawing at the ground and kicking as she tried to get free. She screamed in frustration as she got no where.

"Calm down!" A male yelled, "I won't hurt you!!"

Emerald froze in terror as she recognized the voice. It was the male who had beat her, cut and slapped her repeatedly for days. She was suddenly lifted off the ground, being brought out of her sudden parolized state she ripped one arm away and swung, connecting with the mans jaw. He stumbled and instant let her go and Emerald didn't hesitate to turn and run. She stopped in her tracks as when she seen that there were now more males who cut off her path to the border, to her freedom. She growled low, in warning and anger.

She jerked her head around when she heard and scented more wolves. She was soon surrounded, a surrounded wolf was dangerous. "S-stay away!" Emerald yelled. Emerald jerked her head around when she seen movement and growled at the male who had made the last four-five days hell for her.

"Listen to me," he began calmly holding his hands out. "Your safe-"

Emerald cut him off, "safe?! Safe?! I was safer out there running from the rouges than here with you pack of beasts!" Emerald kept jerking her head around as she looked at those who surrounded her. The male was about to speak again when he shut his mouth, Emerald could see and feel the difference in the males who surrounded her and wasn't sure why until she heard a sound from behind her. She swung around and came face to face with their Alpha.

Emerald felt her fear rise, and her heart begin to race wildly as she stared at him. She was lost in the gold-ish brown eyes before she snapped out of it and backed away slowly but for each step she took, he took one himself. She could feel the tears well up and spill out. A sob, stucking in her throat. "P-please.. I-I don't mean your pack an-any harm. J-just let me l-leave!"

The Alpha looked pained, but Emerald had to ignore it. She couldn't understand him or his expressions. She was again, too weak to use her abilities and she cursed the moon goddess. Why was everyone wanting her? Why was she cursed? What did she do to deserve this?

"I won't hurt you." The Alpha said, his voice like velvet and nearly making Emerald go weak in the knees. "I promise. Please you shouldn't be out of bed yet, you haven't healed completely."

Emerald shook her head, looking around for an escape any escape but there wasn't one. "N-no your lying! Your a monster! You all are!!" Emerald screamed and felt suddenly bad when the Alpha flinched, but she continued. "I didn't want to be here! I don't have some secret plan for your pack! I just wanted to get away from the rouges chasing me! I hate packs, I hate being here, I hate you!" By the time Emerald was done, she was breathing heavily, she suddenly felt all her strength leave her and she stumbled.

Dash felt pain slice through his chest when she called him a monster and then said she hated him. He knew he deserved it, but it hurt all the same. Dash reached out to catch his mate but she screamed, "don't touch me!!! Please!!" She whimpered and Dash yanked his arm back, trying to cover his own sadness. He always imagined finding his mate to be the happiest event for him but he had fucked it up, he'd not only mentally hurt his mate but he'd actually laid his hands on her. Granted he didn't know but it was no excuse.

Dash quickly mind linked the doctor and his mother telling them to come to the west border. He knew that if his mother couldn't calm his mate that the doc would at least would be able to sedate her. He knew she would hate him more for it, but if he let her leave- he just couldn't allow her to leave..


Okay, so I updated sooner than the weekend haha. Yay!!! Hope you like it.

Emerald and the Alpha #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now