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Dash wasn't impressed when he first laid eyes on Alpha Lane. He was smirking, while looking around at the women and it hadn't set well with him. He would have to set Lane straight on not touching the women in his pack, while some packs allowed that Dash would not. Especially not with someone like Lane.. The Alpha was older, and with the gut he was sporting he assumed the Alpha had given up on training himself. Lucas noticed Dash's arrival and spoke to Lane. Lane turned his gaze to Dash, and Dash watched the smirk slowly fade. "Alpha Lane, I'm happy you could make it."

Lane grunted, "what's all this about Dash?"

Dash ignored the fact that Lane hadn't used his formal title and had used his name as if they were friends. "Shall we talk about business later, I'm sure your hunger after your journey. Come, we've had dinner prepared." It was easy getting Lane to the table. The food had been the best route and Dash was now happy he'd had it prepared.

While Lane had continued to stuff his face, Emerald walked into the dinning room, with Kathy hot on her tail. Emerald was curious as to why Kathy seemed intent on following her, but she loved Kathy as if she were her own mother and really didn't mind the company. Emerald spared a brief glance at their guest, then continued on to collect her own food. Noticing the chair empty next to Dash, Emerald smiled and took the seat.

Dash looked up, startled. He had been analyzing Lane so much that he hadn't even noticed that Emerald had walked into the room. He watched as Emerald peeked at him, her cheeks slightly red and a smile on her face. "And who is this beautiful woman?" Lane's crackly voice ruined the small moment Dash shared with his mate. Turning to Lane, Dash grabbed Emeralds hand and smiled.

"This is my mate," now the fun part, "Emerald. Emerald this is Alpha Lane." Emerald, not knowing any better turned and smiled shyly at Lane, nodding her head.

Dash was quick to examine Lane's reaction, his eyes had darkened as he took in Emerald, and his hand clenched around his fork. Dash fought down the urge to growl in warning. Dash looked to his mother, and to Lucas and knew by the barely concealed look of disgust and anger that he wasn't the only one seeing what he seen- lust. Lust for his mate, and while any other male would die then and there Dash couldn't do that, not yet.

"E-Emerald, its a great pleasure to meet you my dear." Lane said, after clearing his throat twice.

Emerald nodded, squeezing Dash's hand a bit tighter. She didn't know why, but she got this off feeling around Alpha Lane. He seemed to look at her in a way that made her skin crawl yet she couldn't place the feeling. Instead of thinking of it further, she turned her attention to her food. The quicker she ate, the quicker she can get out of there.

After Emerald was done, she excused her self and fled the dinning room. Dash had been tense, along with Kathy and Lucas, heck everyone in the room had gone tense. Kathy followed, and Emerald was happy she wasn't alone, Alpha Lane's face had seemed so familiar to her, but at the moment she couldn't place where she'd seen him before.. "What was that in the dinning room?" Emerald asked, turning on Kathy.

Kathy opened her mouth, then shut it repeatedly. "I don't know what you mean dear?" Kathy did her best to look confused but she knew by the look in Emeralds eyes that she didn't pull it off. "Okay, I- honey you- Alpha Lane is the one who hold's your packs territory. Dash is wanting to claim it back, I just need you to go with the flow, and trust that Dash knows what he's doing." Kathy felt for Emerald when she seen the girl's face go slack. It was a lot to take in, and while Kathy has tried to get Emerald to open up more about her family, her pack it has been a long and painful process for Emerald. "I need you to trust us, okay?"

After a moment, Emerald nodded. She did trust them, and though she didn't know if she could ever step foot back on her territory, she knew that after all she'd heard about mates that it was rightfully hers as well as it was Dash's and his packs. Emerald respected that. The sudden image of her father, and Lane speaking flashed through Emerald's mind. "That's why he seemed so familiar..." Emerald whispered.

"What?" Kathy asked, confused.

"Alpha Lane. I remember him, he used to come to our pack all the time. He was always talking with my father, sometimes they argued. There was something else, but." Emerald held her head, trying to think of what else it could be. There was something else, something important, but for the life of her she couldn't remember. "I can't remember... There's something I think I should remember, but I can't.."

Kathy rushed to Emerald and hugged her, rubbing her back. "Don't worry darling. Dash will figure this all out." Kathy cooed, hoping to take Emeralds mind off of everything. Memories tend to come back, when your not thinking about them.




Next Chapter which will be updated later today seeing as its almost Five a.m, will be mainly if not all in Dash's view...

Emerald and the Alpha #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now