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Adeline's POV

Me and Yasuo's friend walked to my house. We decided to have a sleepover. Possibly the last sleepover this girl will ever have.

We finally reached my house when something struck me, "hey, I never asked your name." I said to the girl. "Oh sorry I forgot to mention that, it's Katie." I smiled and said, "that's a nice name."

When we got in the house we walked upstairs into my room. I turned the tv on and ran downstairs to get some snacks. When I returned I saw Katie sitting on my bed holding the hatchet. "Hey Adeline, why do you have a hatchet in your room?" Katie asked. "Oh uh, my dad gave it to me." I said. "That's amazing! My dad would never allow me to own a weapon." Katie said making a pouty face.

After a few hours of hanging out I thought maybe we should go outside for a bit. Get some fresh air. "Let's go outside Katie." I said grabbing her hand and dragging her downstairs. "Oh hang on I forgot something. Just go outside I will catch up then." Katie nodded and went outside as I turned and ran back to my room. I went over to my desk and grabbed the hatchet and some duck-tape. I then rolled up my pant leg and laid the hatchet carefully against my leg. I took the duck-tape and started to wrap it around my leg and hatchet making sure it was secure. I then turned and left.

When I got outside i started to look for Katie. She was out back looking at some of the flowers. "I know a better place if you would follow me." I said grabbing Katie's wrist to drag her with me yet again. We didn't have a woods nearby, so I'm taking her to the park. It was a little dark out anyways so probably no one was there.

We got to the park and I dragged Katie behind the huge bushes that were growing. I didn't know how to distract Katie without her realizing what I was doing, so I used the oldest trick in the book. "Hey Katie look over there!" I said pointing at nothing. "Where?" Katie said looking around. I scrambled to grab my hatchet and when I did I hurried and sliced it across her neck. My hatchet didn't go all the way through her neck, so I left her to choke on her own blood. Eventually she fell to the ground with her eyes rolled up into her head. I snickered a bit as I then walked back home.

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