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Adeline's POV

I walked through the front door and received a hug from Kizumi. "Hey Adeline tonight me and your dad are going out, do you mind?" I put my hands on my hips, "of corse I mind, you're supposed to take me on dates not my dad." I said with obvious sarcasm. Kizumi laughed and kissed my head, "we should be home around 11 o'clock, we're just testing out the masks I made." I nodded and asked, "do you have anyone in particular you're going after?" Kizumi shook his head. "Good, because I want you to capture this one person for me."

Kizumi's POV

Tyler and I walked around town with our masks on looking for The girl Adeline assigned us too. When we finally found her we both ran after her. Tyler put his hand over her mouth to shut her up as I tied her hands together. "Okay Tyler you carry her home." I said as Tyler picked her up bridal style. "Oh look she passed out, we must have gave her a huge scare." I said poking her face. Tyler laughed, "I bet we did give her a big scare, but actually the hand I used to cover her mouth with had a cloth with knock out gas on it." I just shook my head with laugh as we were almost to the house.

When we arrived I sat the girl on a chair and tied her hands Around the back side of the chair. Tyler then ran up a brought Adeline downstairs who was smiling crazily. "Hey Kizumi, can I kill her when time comes?" I smiled and nodded, "sure!" The three of us stood there chatting till we heard noise coming from the girl. "Oh look she's awake!" Adeline said stepping closer till she was face to face with the girl, "how are you feeling Lexi?" Adeline asked with amusement to her hostage.
Lexi stared in terror as she then laid her eyes on me. "K-Kizumi!" She squeaked in shock. I smiled and said, "hello, long time no see." Tyler laughed and spun his knife around on the table beside him, "when are we going to kill her? I can't stand her annoying voice any longer." Adeline laughed and grabbed a fist full of Lexi's hair giving it a nice tug, "oh very very shortly, let's just give her some time to comprehend everything first."

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