The Kill spree

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Kizumi's POV

Tyler, Samantha, and I were already dressed and ready with our weapons hidden and masks in hands. Last night I stayed up to make Samantha one. I don't think she would really need it, but just to be sure I gave her one. I kissed Adeline goodbye then the three of us left for the market.

When we got there we put on our masks and went our separate ways. "Hey Tyler?" He looked over at me, "yeah." "I don't think there will be many police around, because they wouldn't have a market to buy weed if there were many police around." Tyler laughed, "at this market everyone who sells the weed hides it in an item, so when the police are observing the market it looks like the people are buying regular things." I nodded, " sounds like a good plan."

Tyler hid on top of a building were he could over look the huge market, and I hid down among all the people watching Tyler for direction of were to hit. When Tyler pointed to the right I quickly ran that way to see that there were very few people around and no cops, so we decided to act quick by pulling out our weapons and striking the easiest ones first. Tyler swung his axe and cut a few heads off as I through a few daggers and hit couple of people in the heart. The others were to high to realize what was going on, so Tyler took care of them by slicing each one of them in a different style. It was refreshing feeling all the blood rain down on us from above as we rushed into the crowd of people striking them in places such as anywhere to be exact.

After a while most of the people were dead and the others were all high wondering around like nothing happen, so Tyler and I decided to take a break. As we sat down against the building talking we both heard a few screams and blood fly everywhere. When we stood to look who it was I saw a long ravened hair girl with familiar glistening Blue eyes running around with gem stoned dagger, and a short brown haired girl with familiar brown eyes running around with a dagger also. "Um Tyler, is that Adeline and Naomi?!" Tyler shook his head with wide eyes, "I believe it is." I grabbed all my daggers in one hand and ran up to the black haired girl through my daggers right passed her to everyone she missed before I grabbed her a gave her a hug. "What are you doing here?" I questioned with a smirk. She giggled and and took one of my fingers to lick the blood off. "I was talking to my mom and thought I would love to try the taste of flesh!" I laughed and pulled my finger away, "then let's try to get someone who is not high with weed and try a taste of them." Adeline smile and nodded as we ran around looking for someone good.

Once we finally found a good person to try Adeline pulled her hatchet out from under her pant leg and swung it down on the person as we then again all got rained down on with blood. I took my dagger and cut a piece of their flesh off and handed it to Adeline, "here." She took it with a huge grin and popped it into her mouth. "How is it?" I asked. "Delicious!" I laughed as Adeline continued to eat the flesh from the person till Naomi and Tyler showed up. "We killed everyone!" Naomi said happily giving Tyler a big hug. I grabbed Adeline and pulled her away from the corpse and practically dragged her as the now four of us went to retrieve Samantha.

Once we got home Yasuo kinda stared at us, but looked away once he met my stare. Tyler and Naomi took a shower together in the bathroom downstairs, as me and Adeline shared a bath together upstairs. I got in first and Adeline nervously laid against my chest. I laughed as a dark blush rose to her cheeks. "D-don't laugh at me!" She yelled in embarrassment. I wrapped my arms around her and brought her closer to me despite all of her complains. I kissed her back a few times before I reached over and grabbed a cup to fill with water before dumping it all one her head. She let out a little scream then splashed me with a huge wave of water that all ended up on the floor.

After the bath we both laid down on Adeline's bed and fell into a deep sleep wrapped in each other's embrace.

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