A long and hard goobye

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I stormed upstairs determind not to let Daddy see me cry. I slammed Luna's and I's room door and grabbed my wolfblood suitcase and bgan rambing all my clothes in it. The door slowly creeped open, it was Luna.

"can I help?" she asked

i nodded, I loved Luna! we packed all my clothes, all my photo's, all my toys and books, everything. I picked up a necklace I had at the bottome of my jewrelly box.

"here.. to remember me" i said giving Luna the necklace, it was silver and had a horse shoe on it.

"th-th-thanks!" she stuttered and started rumaging through her matching jewrelly box, she pulled out a necklace.

"here, because i'll never forget you and because i love you!" she handed it to me.

"thanks i'll never forget you, and i will always love you" i took the necklace. We smiled gently at each other

I wandered down stairs Luna dragging behind. I plonked my suitcase in front of the lady.

"i'm packed!"

She took the case. "say your goodbyes then"

I sighed, i hate goodbyes. I walked up to Luna.

"your my sister no matter what, i'll never forget you, i love you luna" i hugged her, we were both crying i kissed her cheek "goodbye sis". I broke the hug.

Turning to daddy "i hate you!" i walked over to the lab door and spoke in almost a whisper "i love you mummy, i will never forget you!" another tear escaped my face. No matter i promise, i will always love mummy and Luna. The lady took my suitcase and my hand and we walked out. Before i got in the car i looked back at my home, i'm so gonna miss it there. I stepped in the car put on my seat belt, and we were off, i didn't look back, i wasn't wanted there, even if i would miss it.

An orphan of Hermione Granger: all alone! (book one)Where stories live. Discover now