Hermione Granger, Lone wolf

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Emergency placements are RUBBISH! I'm not joking, there's loads of Andrew type kids that get you kicked out and you end up in the car, again. I have no idea where's she taking me now, more emergency placements, kids homes, foster home, anywhere could be on the streets. Amanda hates me, she'd do anything to get a horrible person to adopt me, so i could never come back and i get pain. I'm sure the rest of my life is gonna be foster, kids and emergency homes. I don't wanna live like this, why can't I be a normal human being? I can remember the witch thing, I know that's why my eyes change colour, I'm not stupid! I freaks people out! I'm the weird 6 year old the freak. I'm sure I'll get used to it, I start school in where ever I'm going next.. they might like me!

We pulled up in a drive of a couple they seemed kind, but I of all people know not to judge a book by it's cover. I wonder if they have kids? There normally the reason I get kicked out! Well the were the two times it happened! I've only been in the care system for 3 weeks! 1 week in hell hole 1 day in Pegs a 2weeks in emergency evil place. I swear Kids hate me, god obviously hates me! I used to believe in him, Mother took me to Sunday school every week, but I realize if god was real, why did he do this to me? I wasn't bad! So I kinda stopped believing in him. 

"hello dear, I'm Claire!"

"Hi I'm Michael!"

"Hi! I'm Hermione! Do you have children?" I was hopeful for a 'no' not what I got

"yes, a little boy, he's at school, you start tomorrow"

UGH! Brilliant a boy that will hate me! I can see the one way ticket out of here already!

They lead me inside and Amanda left. I had a small, box like room, it seemed OK, they seemed ok, now only for the boy. I'd meet him at dinner.

It's dinner now, I'm nervous, he bound to hate me, were bound to fight, i'm bound to get kicked out!

I met Derek, he seems to hate me, but I kept my cool and he didn't say anything. Claire and Michael seem nice. I still don't like it here, i obviously don't fit in. I doubt I will at school either. I don't think I fit in anywhere anymore. I am Hermione Granger, lone wolf!

An orphan of Hermione Granger: all alone! (book one)Where stories live. Discover now