in and out of Pegs in a second!

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I was pertified! That's one thing I'm not denying, everyone I loved seemed to die! I'm 5 all alone in the world. It's time like this i really miss Luna!

"go and pack, go on hermione" amanda insited

i forced my way up the treous stairs, i seriously was not ready for a new family, but i need to get out this hell hole before i die. I ramed my, less stuff, half of it got nicked in my suitcase and put my preious items in my rucksack. Slowly as posibly i walked down thye stairs. The girls all peered through the whole in there doors and looked at me enviously.

"you being adopted?" one asked, i hadn't bothered to learn there names.

"no, fostered"

"WOW" They all seemed shocked.

"bye then" one yelled.

I was a bit taken back. "hope you all get out of here" i smiled and skip down stairs. Maybe this could work out. Or maybe not!

She ramded me in the car again, this time we were driving for a good 2 hours. We aroched a small cottage like house. a kind looking lady aropach at the door. I was fooled easily the ladies at the orphanage acted nice, they weren't.

"hello deary" she called as i got out the car.

"h-i!" i repiled as i picked up my suitcase and rucksack.

"i have 3 children, Rosie, May and Andrew"

May looked nice enough, Rosie seemed to pity me, Andrew hate a look of hate in his eyes. He was 6 to. May was 7 and Rosie was 10.

"come on in, baby" she spoke like Mummy, i fought back tears.

I followed her in Amanda waved goodbye and drove off. This was it, my new home, no going back. I wonder how Luna is? Does Daddy forgive me? What about the Weasley? oh well like they want to see me now, they hate me. everyone hates me! i'm all alone.I really needed to speak to mummy, i couldn't.

"You can call me peg, poppet" i nooded and went to the room i was sharing with May. I didn't bother unpacking, i'd do it later. I walked down as she said dinner was ready. It was akward at the table it was a family, then me! I don't really want to bother to fit in, there not my Mother, Father or Mummy.

"Ummm.. Peg, do I have to, can you not lovk my door?" I'd done it she'll hit me now.

She was laughing..

"goodness, what an earth, I would never lock you up!" she was in histerics.

I didn't aperiate being laughted at, my Mother, Father talking hit in.

"very well, thank you, may I be excused?"

she was rolling around laughing now. Ugh! I'm going anyway. I could feel my eyes glowing! Andrew screamed and started yelling, I ran upstairs. Just as I got to teh mirror I saw a flicker of Red in my eye it then dissapeared as i calm down. I clamer in to my PJ an climbed into bed. Falling fast asleep.

I woke up to Pag shaking me awake.

"up, up deary"

I got up quickly, scared of a beating.I changed quickly and hurried down to breakfast. Andrew was there.

"Your a freak, your eyes changed colour." he screamed

I felt them chnaging again.

"So your a dorky little boy!!"

"am not! see there red again"

I looked away and tried to calm down.

"your mad, no wonder your mum kicked you out!"

That was it, he died! My eyes shot bloodshot red and my hair turned a matching colour, I puched on him ready to kill. By the time Peg got in, he had a broken arm, bleeding nose and black eye. I had a black eye and a scarcth in my check.

"HOW DARE YOU!" She priced us apart.


What? She was doing what everyone did when I became difficult she was dumping me!

That was my life they eithier, died or dumped me!

Amanda arrived she looked furious. Viously she snatched me case ramed it in the car and slamed the boot shut. I got in my eyes and hair was normal now. She waved at Peg and said sorry then slamed the door shut and began driving off.

"how could you hermione? they were a good family?"

"he insulted mummy!"

"i don't give a monkeys, your a 5 year old not a wild animal. I don't think we have a chocie your to be put in a emegency placement, don't mess it up!"

I nodded and sat quiet for the rest of the joruney. We arrived in a normal house a evil looking women and a equally evil looking man stepped out, so again a new home!


really hoped you enjoyed that, it was fun to write!

I love this story and have been updating non of my others so I will promise to try and do that! :/

Hermione's story is base on a varity of things that as far as i am concered are from my head, if there is a story simular to this i apoliges i never knew. I am just writing based on ideas in my head!

please try and check out my other storys... Hermione Granger, desperatly trying to pick up the pieces, the story of skye cleamontime and bestfriends, nah more like twins they are all harry potter fan fics!


I do not own Harry potter and like i said no copyright intened

thanks you to anyone who's reading this or any one my other stories please vote, comment and even follow

love you guys


p.s this is the longest chapter i've ever worte :O WHOOP WHOOP! x

An orphan of Hermione Granger: all alone! (book one)Where stories live. Discover now