7th birthday!

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>>>>>>>>>>>>about a year later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It's my birthday! I'm not excited, I have no family to celebrate with, i'll get no card, no presents, nothing. I'm in an orphanage again. I've been moving from foster homes, to care homes to more foster homes since last year when Mummy died. I've never stayed in one place  for more than 3 weeks. I've never fitted in anywhere not since i had to leave Luna and Daddy. I think about Mummy and Luna everyday. I don't think so much about Mother and Father, I can't really remember them that well, i makes me feel guilty. But hey give me a break, I'm only 7! Oh.. Mummy was meant to teach me wandless magic today! I can remember the old man and the magic conversation. I've never told anyone. I don't see the point, I have no friends. I just get bullied. My eyes and hair still grow red. It's what normally gets me kicked out, I get angry and my eyes turn then my hair. I'm the 'freak'! It hurts! I'm sat in my bed at the moment , I have to share my room with a girl called Stacy! She's mean! I guess I should get up. I know exactly what will happen today, I'll get up, clean, clean, eat, clean, clean, eat ,clean, clean, sleep. I've been in this orphanage 2 days and I already know the routine. They don't even feed us much, just a piece of bread and butter. I can live on this but it ain't nice. I slowly got out of bed not to wake Stacy and changed, suddenly the head came bounding in.


Stacy shot up.. she was okay. She didn't say much to me, but I preferred this than her being mean. We both automatically got dress and ran a comb through our hair then we sprinted downstairs and got to work, It's obvious they've all seen the film Annie as they were all singing the song 'It's a hard not life' It was quiet attract to be honest. I joined in. I had a laugh! Well more of a laugh than I've ever had since Mummy died. The day kinda went like that we worked, we sang, we got beaton, we eat our little food, i smiled.

An orphan of Hermione Granger: all alone! (book one)Where stories live. Discover now