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Amanda wasn't my social worker anymore, she ditched me. Most people do. I have a lady called Stella. She's quiet nice, she actually is trying to find me a nice family. She's due today actually. I'm waiting for her in the office, if she has a placement i know not to get excited, I'm used to being kicked out. I used to hate goodbyes, I'm used to them now! Ah.. Stella's here now.

"Hello Hermione"


"I have found you a placement, In Spain!"


"If you want to, you can go live with a foster family in spain."

I jumped up and down in my seat.! "yes yes yes!" she smiled!

"get packing then"

Oh hell I would. I ran upstairs picked up my bags said goodbye to Stacy and ran down stairs again, Stella was laughing.

"get in the car the, kiddo"

I did as I was told. Maybe thing were about to work for me now! Maybe I'd fit in!

An orphan of Hermione Granger: all alone! (book one)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora