waking up in a hospital bed, again!

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I woke up in a bed, i wasn't on the floor, I wasn't in that mangy old room. I shot up, I was in a room full of beds, it looked like an infirmary. A old man with a long beard was sitting at my bedside.

"umm... who are you? where am i?" i asked warily was he good or bad?

"I child am Albus Dumbledore, I was the one who told you that your parents died, you looked very diffrent then though" he chuckled. "you are in the hospital wing at hogwarts school of wicth craft and witchcraft and wizardry."

"oh.. how?"

"i believe you dissaparented" 

"oh.. wizardy? am i a-?"

he nodded. I smiled.

"is that why my eyes and hair changes colour?"

he looked shocked. "it does?"

i nodded was this bad?

"in that case then yes that is the reason, what do you remember of your childhood?"

"umm.. i remember a pink light and i remember a blonde lady she was reading to me i remember Luna and I remember the names Mummy, Mother, Father and Daddy. I can remember Daddy kicking me out because Mummy died and I can remember that my Mother and Father died. Then I was in care, I remember lot of care home and foster familes, i didn't fit in anywhere, i kept getting kicked out then i was in this big building they had sticks and they said things, things that made me hurt, i didn't show it though and i remember climbing out the window and the a office. there's more but that's just inbetween the i was in care and a bit morr at Masters house."

he nodded. Was that all i got? I didn't want to tell this man my background, i just felt i had to.

"oh and I remember the words olbilvate"

"ahh.. that would explain the short memories from your age of under six. how come you picked up those photo's and taht necklace?"

i shurged my choulders "the photo's make me feel safe, one has Luna in and  Luna gave me the necklace." 

He nodded again. "the healer here has mented your wounds and you will be staying in the care system untill you are eleven.

"eleven what's so speical abou-?"

"you will see then.. for now you must wait now I believe a 'Stella' is outside waiting"

i nodded. looks like I'll be stuck with lots of homes for the next year. When that comes.. well were just have to wait and see.....


I think that is the end of this book, for now! I am hoping to write a sequal for when she goes to hogwarts. will wait and see.

thank you to anyone who voted/comment for this book, i appreiate it

sorry it's ended, right that's it I'm making a sequal please read it! I will be mysterouis and fun! 0.o 


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