Living in Hell

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2 years have past, I can barely remember Mother and Father, I can still remember the pink light. I can't remember mummy very well, she just a blond figure laid out, dead in my dreams. I can remember Luna like it was only yesterday I saw her. I miss her so she the only one that cares ,that's still alive. She probably wants nothing to do with me anymore. I'm offically alone, as always! I've been in his new foster placement for awhile now, well awhile meaning 2 weeks. (The longest I've ever been anywhere is about 3weeks). It's like living in HELL! It's worst than childrens homes. I got adopted by a man I must call master, he has a stick. I don't why! It's like I can't remember why my eyes and hair changes colour, no matter how hard I try. There's a boy called, Goyle he uses me as "target practice". It hurts, a lot. But I never scream and I never cry. Master uses his wand to fire words at me that makes me feel like a hundered knives have stambed me. he mutters things like 'crucio'. I'm not stupid, I don't let him see my pain, they see weakness they hurt you more. You have to stay strong. I'm going to get out of here, one way or another!

An orphan of Hermione Granger: all alone! (book one)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora