Mean care workers, mingy kids homes and being locked in

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I was in the car for a good 3 hours, i was being to feel sick. Luckily the car pulled up into a massive building, it looked a bit like a prison, not like home at all.

"come on then, hurry up child" the lady didn't seem so kind now Luna and Daddy were out of reach.

"umm.. Where are we?"

"nettlewood childrens home"

"oh.. Who are you?"

"a care worker, your socail worker should be in the house." she snatched my suitcase out of the boot and began strolling in. I picked up my ruck sack and followed.

I have just entered a weird building, it didn't have toys, anywhere. It didn't have any children, i could hear no chatting, no laughter, nothing. To be honest the place look grey and to a five year old, scary. I had to walk into a mingy office where 3 people sat.

"hello i am Amanda, your social worker." a brunette lady spoke

"Mary, head care worker" a scary looking lady announced , i backed away.

"i am meliany care worker" this lady looked half kind.

I took a step forward and smiled.

"i am Hermione Granger!"

"okay then, hermione granger, let me show you to hour room." meliany spoke kindly.

She lead me up the stairs and along a long freaky corridor, i opened d the door. There in front of me was my new bedroom. It was shit! My room at home was much better. The lady dumped my stuff in whispered goodnight and slammed my door shut, i beard the sound of a key and a door locking. Running to the door i turned the handle it was locked i cried out, she ignored me and walked away. She doesn't seem so nice now!

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