School and the old crooked house!

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I woke up with butterflies in my stomach today. Today was the day, I was going to school. I could read and write but I still had loads to learn. I'm so nervous! I hope I make friends. The uniform is HORRID! I have to wear a SKIRT!!! A skirt!  A blouse and a BLAZER and a TIE!! That's just weird! I never wear skirts! I didn't eat any breakfast!

"eat something, Hun!" Claire was insisting.

"to nervous" I replied

"ahh.." she seemed to understand, I have to admit I liked her for that!

At 8 o'clock we had to leave, I was sat at the back of the car feeling extremely sick. I was trying my very best to keep my empty stomach in! We pulled up right in front of the gates, the building was HUGE! Bigger than the kids home! I stumbled out the car took a big gulp. 

"Goodbye, Claire!"

"bye hermione, good luck"

i waved at her then slowly walked into the entrance. Derek skipped past me and ran to his mates where they began point and laughing at, ME!

I ignored there comments and walked into year 1's classroom. 

"Hello you must me Hermione?" the teacher asked.

I nodded.

"right.. take a seat the others will be here soon"

right on cue a pile of children came in and sat at there desk, I looked around, where do I sit? I felt the teachers hand on my shoulder.

"this is hermione granger, she is new and i would like you to make her feel welcome. Hermione go sit next to Anna bell" 

Annabell sighed. I walked over to her and place my bag under the desk, taking my seat. Annabell shuffled away from me.

"move she might have cooties!" she whispered to the boy next to her.

I felt a sting in my chest, I wasn't accepted here. Miss Angelina (the teacher) started a class on maths. I was boring! I liked reading, not numbers! I didn't get it. Annabell sniggered and made rude remarks, for a 6 year old she knew a lot of rude words! Miss Angelina didn't hear any of this, or at least she never said anything. A bell rung! Woah what was that for?

"right.. break everyone!"

They all scrambled for the door, I followed. Following the crowd I made my way to a playgorund. Everyone was in little groups, I couldn't just go up to one of them so I sat on the bench on my own, thinking. After a while Annabel made her way over.

"alright, dorksalot!" she said more, but I ignored her.

"are you listen dorky? you deaf or something?"


"why you suddenly here? you a care kid or something?"

i nodded slightly. she laughed.

"what'd you do? what made mummy dump you? you worthless to her or something?" 

I felt my eyes turn red and again my hair i lept on her she screamed. SMACK! we were fighting on the floor. A crowd had appeared around us and started to chant..


I heard a teacher shout, I stop suddenly and got a punch in the eye. She looked at my eyes and screamed. I got up and ran, ran away from Anabell away form the students, away from the shouting teacher, away from the school. I headed for the gates and threw my bag over then i put my leg up and climbed over. EASY! I was out. I didn't know where to go! I had no idea where anything was here! I has no where to go. I didn't know Claire or Michael but I don't think they'd like it if i turned up on the doorstep, only because i was bunking off! I knew one thing, i had to leave this street, i could hear the teachers yelling! I picked up my bag and ran again. I had no idea where I was going. Anywhere would do. I ran straight into a man.


I up and ran away from him he was shouting after me. i didn't care, I had to get away!  I didn't stop running until i got to a park. I walked over to the swings and sat down. I just swung there for a while, then I realize I was wearing a blazer and tie. I got up cautiously making sure i drew no attention to myself. I walked over to the river that ran through the back of the park. I ripped the tie of and threw it in the river then i did the same to the blazer. As i watched in moving down the river i realize, Claire is gonna kill me! I spent a while longer in the park. Until a man spotted me he began yelling, i grabbed my bag threw it over my shoulder and ran! I've done so much running today, but I don't feel tired, not at all. I only stopped when I reached, what looked like a deserted building, I was my best shot. I climb through he smashed window and crawled into the room. It smelt damp and was dark and dingy. The only light was the sunlight from the window, but I could tell, i was alone.  I rest my head on my bag and curled up in a ball, slowly drifting off to sleep. Catching up on the sleep i never had last night.

I woke up to a bang! I didn't know what it was! I was prepared to scream, then i thought i could be Claire or school or police or even Amanda. I wasn't prepare to face anyone yet. I kept as still and quiet as i could. I suddenly felt something on my leg then on my body then licking my face, It was a dog!

"hey boy!" 

he was cute, so cute. He curled up next to me and i began stroking him, we were like that for ages when..

"buster, come here boy"

the dog shot up. I gestured for him to go, not to make her come near me. The dog half nodded and wandered off. Did he understand me? could i speak dog?

I was so conffused, i took my phone form my pocket it read, 8:30pm. I was so dead, school finished hours agos. I had no idea how to get back. I was lost and scared. 

Hermione Granger Alone in a old house, anything could happed.


I liked this chapter i  was going to add more but i really need to go so... here you go.

I haven't updated any of my others,  feel bad but i have writers block so sorry i will try as soon as i have more ideas.

again no copyright is intented 


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