IV. You Will Forget Me

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(This chapter is written in 3rd person)

"We have to end it." The words kept sounding in her head.

It took her some seconds to finally pronounce a few words. "End it? Why? Did I do something wrong?" Her mind started to think of any possible reason why he would want to end it.

"No!" Obi-Wan replied quickly. How could she think that this was her fault? "You did nothing wrong! You... You are perfect, Aure." She really was perfect to him, that's why he was doing this. "I can't give you what you deserve."

Aure looked at him confused, a slight frown formed between her brows. 'What she deserved'? What did he mean?

Obi-Wan saw her expression and explained "I can't make you happy."

"What do you mean, Obi? You've made me happy since I met you." Aure couldn't believe her ears.

'Obi'... That nickname would always make him smile, but not this time. He could see Aure holding back the tears, trying not to break into a million pieces right there. He was breaking her heart and he hated himself for that, but it would heal soon.

"No, Aure. You cried last night because of me, you cried when you heard I was dead and I sense that it wasn't the first time I made you cry." All of that was true. Many nights she hadn't slept because she worried too much about him. Many times she had cried until she thought she didn't have more tears left.

Aure sat down on the couch. Was he really doing this? Did he really want to throw those last three years away?

"That's true..." Aure admitted and then shook her head. "But ending our relationship isn't going to make me feel any better."

"I know it hurts, but the pain will eventually leave." He stopped talking when he heard her first sobs. He didn't doubt sitting next to her, but stopped himself from embracing her figure with his arms, although he really wanted to. That would just make everything worse. He himself was trying not to cry, not in front of her. Instead, he looked at her with his sad eyes.

Obi-Wan gulped and talked again after a long silence. "I know what you want, but I can't give it to you. We can't get married or live together or form a family..." He sighed and looked away from her. "Force, I can't even promise that I'll be alive tomorrow!" She tried to contain her sobs, but failed. Why could Padmé and Anakin have all of that but not them? "I know this makes you sad. I don't like it either, but it is the best thing to do."

"I don't need promises." Aure lied just so he would not to leave her; she wanted all of that, but she wanted it with him.

"Don't lie to me, Aure. Just... find someone who can give you the happiness that you deserve." He stood up and averted her eyes, he couldn't bear looking at her like that, so broken. All his fault.

"Nobody else can make me happy, Obi-Wan!" She raised her head, willing to meet his gaze, only to find he had turned around.

"Then be the person that makes you happy, but forget me." He said walking towards the main door.

"I can't forget you." When Aure said this, Obi-Wan turned his head to look at her one last time.

She was so beautiful. Even with her teary eyes, her smile gone and her face's skin slightly red as a result of her crying, she still was the most beautiful being to his eyes. He would certainly miss her laugh, her eyes, her voice, her lips, her body, her skin. Her. He wouldn't forget her. Never. She was too special to him to forget her. He was sure that she would invade his dreams every night.

"You will forget me one day." He hated saying that, but he wished she would forget him and could finally be happy. He was making her miserable; all because of the Code, the Jedi Order and the Council. This was the most difficult decision he had ever made.

He looked down and turned the door's knob and whispered. "I love you, Aure." He didn't want her to think that he didn't love her anymore, she had to know that he would love her for the rest of his life.

"I love you, Obi." She replied with a weak voice before he opened the door and left her alone.

Usually, those words would make him the happiest man in the galaxy, but not that day. The way she said 'I love you' this time was something that he wouldn't easily forget: So broken; giving up on convincing him to stay.

Once Obi-Wan was gone, Aure just stared at the now closed door. It is funny how beautiful people look when they walk out the door. After some minutes processing what had just happened, she let all the tears go. He had ended it, they had actually broken up. And so she cried for what felt like hours.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Obi-Wan ran his hand through his hair and leaned his head against her door, silently crying; he didn't care right then about anybody seeing him like that, he just wanted to let it out. From inside, Aure heard his cries; it was the second time she had seen him like that (well, not actually see, but hear). The first time was when his master had died.

Minutes later, Obi-Wan raised his head, wiped out his tears, although some stayed there, and went to his own apartment. His head was facing down all the way there, so no-one would see his tears, his suffering. Why was he so stupid? He knew it was the best thing to do, but he had never felt so sad, no even when Qui-Gon died. Was he actually making the right choice? He wished they could have a normal, stable relationship that would last for many years. He wished he could make her happy.

Aure understood why Obi-Wan decided to break up. She knew it was what had to be done. But that didn't mean that she liked it. She hated it. She hated ever falling in love, she hated ever giving her heart to a Jedi, she hated life.

Obi-Wan didn't sleep that night, nor did Aure. They cried and cried until they thought they didn't have more tears, and then they cried again. They remembered all the memories they shared together, all the nights they spend loving each other, everything that they loved about the love of their lives. Between the huge sadness they felt that night, a few smiles escaped their lips when remembering the happy times that they had lived.

They felt like their heart was literally broken. Like a part of them was gone, ripped off from their souls.


~ Hello there!

This chapter was quite hard to write :(
I'm so sorry for breaking your hearts

Thanks for reading!
Comment your thoughts and opinions
& may the Force be with y'all! ~

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