IX. Promises

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*Aure's POV*

Obi-Wan and I had just come back to the Jedi Temple; we had been having luch at Dex's Diner and he wanted me to finally meet Padmé, who had been busy during the whole week, but she had some free time now. I was nervous: I was going to meet my best friend; I know that sounds weird, but the whole situation was weird.

Obi-Wan had told me about how close Padmé and I used to be, about her secret relationship with Anakin, who I had already met. I found Anakin a quite nice and funny man; he was also very close to Obi-Wan, as he had been his apprentice, and therefore, we had become very close too.

When Obi-Wan and I were walking in the Temple, looking for Padmé and Anakin, I heard a soft happy voice exclaim my name and Obi-Wan's. I turned around to find the origin of that voice and I saw a little blond girl, who was about eight or nine years old, running towards me with open arms. Obi-Wan had never told me about a child, so I was confused and I didn't know how to react when she hugged me, circling her thin arms strongly around my waist. Instead of hugging her back and pretending that I could remember her, I stayed still like a statue, looking confused at Obi-Wan, while the little girl muttered how much she had missed me.

Obi-Wan finally intervened and coughed lightly so the child would pay attention to him. She let me go to look at the Jedi Master, who smiled sweetly at her. She ran towards him and he knelt down and received her with open arms, giving her a strong hug. Obi-Wan's smile was huge and genuine; I couldn't remember ever seeing him so happy. The scene made my heart flutter.

After some brief seconds, Obi-Wan broke the hug, although the girl didn't want to. "Azha, could you look for Padmé and Anakin? We can't find them. Tell them that we are at my apartment." He told her.

The girl, whose name now I knew was Azha, looked at me narrowing her eyes, stranged by the fact that I hadn't said anything yet; not a single word. I decided to play along. "I'm so sorry, Azha, I promise we'll spend time together soon."

I looked at Obi-Wan, expecting his eyes to tell me if I had acted properly; he smiled kindly at me, so I guessed I did. Azha wasn't totally convinced yet; I could see that she suspected something out of the normal was happening, but she didn't say anything, she just nodded and smiled wide before she left running to find our friends.

Once Azha was too far away to hear us, I asked Obi-Wan "Who is she?"

We started to walk to Obi-Wan's apartment while he explained. "Azha is one of the children you used to teach, a great student and padawan."

I thought for some moments about the way Azha greeted me and the hugs she gave to us. "She seems to be very close to us..."

"We grew quite fond of her."He chuckled. "We would spend much time together. That is when we had time to spend, of course. She loves going to the Archives library with you." I smiled a this, the way Obi-Wan talked about her was endearing. It was obvious that he really cared for Azha.

The whole situation started to make me feel sad. I had forgotten about my family, my best friends, my lover... How many important events I had lived but couldn't remember? How many happy moments I forgot? Would I ever recover from this terrible accident? Would I ever remember again? I wanted my memory back; I didn't want people to feel bad because I couldn't remember, like Obi-Wan and Azha. Sadly, I had started to lose the hope of ever remembering again.


*Obi-Wan's POV*

Aure was sitting on the couch while I made some tea, her favorite drink. Since we arrived at Coruscant, I had taken Aure to my apartment almost every day. Every time she came, I made tea for her, hoping that it would help her regain her memory. Usually, while she drank the tea, we would have friendly conversations so she would get to know me again. Aure would always smile and laugh a lot when we were talking alone, which helped me see that she was still my sweet Aure, the woman I loved more than anything else. Of course, she wasn't exactly the same person she was before the accident; a person's personality is created by their own experiences, but Aure had forgotten hers, so her personality had changed in some ways.

Attachment Was Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)》under editionWhere stories live. Discover now