Just For Show - Jr

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"You gotta make a move~" you sang to yourself as you walked down the hall practicing for the musical your school was putting on this year. You had a role to sing and dance a duet this year with your best-friend and AMAZING singer, Jr! But the one thing you were really unsure about was that you had to kiss him in the scene. What if you kissed to much, what if you kissed to little, it was kinda nerve-wracking. "Hey, wifey~" Jr sang as he ran up to you. "Jr your so stupid, the play rehearsal isn't until later today."
"What happened to getting in to character?" He pouted.
"Hey Lovebirds!" ___ the lead character of the musical shouted. Junior noticed you flush bright red. "You two! Have you practiced the kiss yet? The show got moved to tonight!" ____ finished.
"What? Of course we haven't, wasn't it supposed to be a week from now?" You asked, confused.
"Date got moved, if our show goes well now we get to perform for the prime-minister! In a couple of weeks! But we need your kiss to be realistic, because if it's not..." ___ stated.
"Umm, Junior?" You asked meekly, "when are we gonna practice it?"
"You could practice it right now." _____ suggested. You sighed and looked at Junior, was it really a good idea to be the romantic partner of him in the play? You had a history, a history of falling hard in love with boys on the first kiss. You had to admit, Junior was sweet and caring and handsome and all the things a girl could want in a partner. But do you really want to put your whole friendship at risk. You looked down at your shoes and looked up at Junior again, you noticed him staring at you. "Umm." You started
"Yeah" Jr finished.
"JUNIOR COME TO CLASS NOW! QUICKLY THE TEACHERS GONNA KILL MEEEE!!" Jackson shouted after Junior and saved you from the awkwardness of kissing your best friend.
"See you later?" Jr asked.
All through that day all you could think about is kissing Jr, you're gonna have to. You can't avoid it. You really thought that you and Jr should practice the kiss, but you'll have no time and it would be really awkward. But the worst thing of all is even if you really love this kiss it won't matter, Jr is a really great actor, he has been all his life, and this kiss, would mean nothing to him.

/Juniors Point of view/
I've been sitting in class for the last five minutes thinking about ____ and how they asked (Y/N) and I to kiss. Sure it was just for show, but I don't think they would understand how much that kiss means to me. (Y/N) might not feel the same way, but that kiss could be the death of me. I have liked her for god knows how long, and have probably loved her for the last couple of years. Everything she says is like the most precious substance in the universe and her smile makes you feel like everything wrong in the world has been set right again. She makes me feel comfortable. I doubt she feels the same way though. I saw the way she looked at Jackson after he came to drag me off to class. Like he was the best thing in the universe. When ____ suggested we kiss she looked at me for less than a minute before looked away. She really mustn't like me. "How are we gonna do this?" I whisper to myself. "How are we gonna do this if one of us is desperately in love with the other and that over is head over heels for someone else." I ask myself.

/Your Point of View/
I stare out of the window wondering if I will survive kissing my best friend when I see Jr passing my classroom with Jackson, they must be going to his next class. Then Jr laughs. Oh My Lord! I have never noticed how beautiful his laugh and smile are. Is it like this all the time? I have never noticed. I think me falling in love has already happened, I just wasn't aware! Damn! What am I gonna do now. Just then my class finished. "Quickly!" I mentally cursed. "JUNIOR" I shouted after him. "JUNIOR" he still didn't turn around. "PARK JINYOUNG!" And he finally turned around. "Oh hey (Y/N)!" He said waving. "Umm, junior, I was just wondering. When are we gonna practice the kiss." He stared at me with wide eyes. "What?!" Oh no, he doesn't like me back! He doesn't want to do the kiss. Damn that was a bad plan. Save me!

/Juniors Point Of View/
"When are we gonna practice the kiss?" (Y/N) asked me. She really does want to do the kiss. Or maybe she just really wants to perform for the prime-minister. Either way I'm amazed. Then I notice she looks a little confused. Oh yeah, I haven't said anything. Stupid Junior Stupid! "Umm...well...umm" I stumble with my words. "Never mind. Your obviously busy." (Y/N) says as she gestured to my friends standing behind me. "Yeah, Jr! Let's go!" They all say and drag me away from her.

/Got7's Point of view/ - Doesn't include Jr
I seriously thought they were gonna kiss. But I already made a plan with the other members and ______ we decided that we would be there for there first kiss. Which will be onstage, tonight!
_____ seems to be trying to rush things though. By trying to get them to practice the kiss in the hall earlier today. But Jackson/I stopped them.

/Authors Point Of View/
You and Jr are about to go onstage. The bright lights are shining on stage and you are preparing for you song and dance. Jr leans over to you and says "I have something to tell you." "Yeah what is it?" You whisper back. Then it's your cue to be on stage. "Never mind, I'll tell you later" he whispers. You and Jr execute your dance and song perfectly and everything seems to go to plan. Suddenly it's time for the twirl where at the end you fall into Jrs body and kiss. "Ready?" You mouth. "Ready." He mouths back. You twirl and fall into Jr as planned and then he seems to get a little bit of, stage fright? Knowing that Jr will miss the cue otherwise, you lean upwards and kiss him on the lips. You see his eyes regain their sparkle and he helps you with the kiss. You two stand on stage, kissing waiting for your blackout, so that you can walk off stage. The blackout comes and you both walk off stage. "You did amazing Jr" You say to him." "Thanks! So did you!" He says back. "What did you want to tell me earlier?" You ask. "LISTEN UP EVERYBODY!" the Drama teacher walks into the room, cutting him off. "You are all doing so well, but we barely need to perform the rest of it, it's already been decided that we're performing for the prime minister" "Guess we'll have to practice that kiss again." Jr says as he locks his lips with yours and kisses you. "What?!" You say pushing Jr off of you. "Well, umm. Well..." He said trailing off. "I was wondering" GOT7 who were standing nearby. "Okay" they all said, encouraging. "I was wondering"
"Well I was wondering"
Interrupting GOT7 and Jr's moment you said "Why are you guys quoting the musical?"
"Well (Y/N) I really really really like you." Junior said and blushed.
"Omo, jinjja?!" You asked.
"Uh yeah." Jr confessed rubbing the back of his neck. You did a little dance and started laughing "I thought you started to hate me, the way you'd look, or not, at me."
"But why are you dancing"
"Because I love you too pabo!"
"AAAAAHHHH!!" Junior screamed. He ran up to GOT7 "GUYS DID YOU HEAR THAT?! SHE LOVES ME!!"
"Don't go boasting now Jr!" You joked.
"And why should I jagiya~~" he cooed.
"We'll be practicing that kiss a lot more from now on" Jr joked. And leaned in to kiss you. You leant in for what you assumed would be just a kiss on the lips, but Jr deepened the kiss. And you let him.
/I apologise to anyone who dislikes long one-shots, but I like them so... Anyway did you like it? I hope you did, it took me a while to come up with it. Hope your all having a great day.
My friends found my account. I'm screwed.

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