The Broken Heart - Yugyeom (sad)

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Was I supposed to update yesterday, sorry lost track of time. I had an audition today idk how it went because I didn't practice like I was supposed to. Idk what this is I apologise to anyone who reads this and is like author, my friend are you okay. Yes I am okay. Don't worry about me I do not know how to write for this baby and you would think I'd be able to because he my bias but I can't and I really wanted to make a sad one so... Btw it's almost like if you do or i need u (BTS) inspired. That's how I feel about it.

Your p.o.v
I'd always wanted it. You know how boys say "I'd love hurting girls, mentally not physically. Making them fall in love with me and watching the light leave their eyes as I dumped them."? I'd always wanted it. To see it happen. To think I was in love and get my heart broken. Because, to be honest, I wasn't sure if I had a heart. And I hadn't been sure for a very long time. No one understood me either. When I'd say I want to have my heart broken. Because they didn't understand. They didn't receive that adrenaline rush that I receive when I'd experience emotional pain. They didn't understand how good it felt to me to be able to completely trash something because I had an excuse. They didn't understand what it is like to be able to start crying and then laugh. To finally be like the people in the movies. They didn't understand how deeply I loved to feel emotion. It would cause me to go off on a high. It made me feel unstoppable.

But he, he was something else. He was the sort of boy you don't notice you were falling for until you're completely head over heels. He was the sort of boy who's only cute when he thinks he isn't, which makes it cuter. But he could also be extremely sexy, even when people made fun of him for it. And I hated it. I hated that I could love Kim Yugyeom this goddamn much. And then one day, I got the chance to be with him. I didn't expect that I'd be a good girlfriend, but I was. I would make him laugh, and I would make him smile. I would take him out for breakfast and lunch and dinner. We would curl up together and watch a movie. We really seemed to be in love. When we saw each other we'd smile. When we thought about each other we'd smile. When we smiled we thought of each other. It was a never ending loop, but that's what they call the honeymoon phase of a relationship. It's the calm before the storm.

And one day, the storm broke. I stopped being such a great girlfriend. I was a train wreck. And Yugyeom noticed. "What's wrong!" He would as me, his dainty face was turned on the side and his forehead wrinkled. "Nothing" I'd reply quietly, every time. It's not that I wanted to hurt him. I just couldn't help it. It was like a defence mechanism. It was like I was scared of being hurt. So I'd bring the pain in my own terms. I started cheating on him. With guys I didn't even particularly like. He caught me one time. He caught me cheating on him. I'd hit him when we'd have an argument, I'd yell at him for no reason. I started to make him pay for everything we do, his friends warned him about me and told him I was no good for him. But he still stayed. Why? I'm no good. I never have been. I never will be. But he told me he needed me. And I stayed. How much pain can I cause him and he still stays with me. There wasn't even really love in our relationship anymore, it was mostly hate, and resentment. But we still stayed in the same apartment. An apartment that you can hear everyone in every room of the apartment. I could hear him when we'd have especially bad days. In his room crying. I'd be crying too but I think it really got to him more than me, because he didn't know what was wrong and I think he blamed himself. One day I decided to check on him "Yugyeom-ah?" I asked walking into the room. He wiped his tears and stared at me. He was collapsed, sitting on the floor. "Why is it okay if you hurt me? I hate you, but I love you! I love you even though I hate you, that's why I put up with you!" He yelled at me as his tears began to fall again. "Yugyeom-ah." I said curling into his body and wrapping his arms around me. "I know I made things difficult. I don't mean too. I just... I just can't help myself. I wish I wouldn't go too far, but I just can help myself." I said, crying as we held each other. "We can breakup if you want. I don't really care, it's up to you." I cried.
"No! I need you! I need you! I don't want to, but I need you!" He cried.
"Okay" I whispered, nestling into him as we fell asleep, crying in each other's arms.

Over the next few weeks we got better. And we were both back to our naturally happy states very soon. We were back on dates, we were back to paying for meals equally. His friends stopped worrying about me and him. But our love was fragile. It was like a glass vase that had only been stuck back together with sticky tape. I don't know what made me treat Yugyeom the way I did, but I had, and I could never forgive myself for it. I had broken the vase. And he had taped it back together.

I was walking down the street smiling I saw Yugyeom with another girl. I felt the vase start to tip off the table again. She's probably just a friend, I said trying not to look at them, I was essentially holding the vase on the table. But then suddenly Yugyeom spotted me. "Hey (Y/N)!" He called me over. "Look at this!" He said as he started kissing the girl he was with. My heart shattered into a million pieces. He had pushed the vase off the table. And it wasn't going to be taped again. A quiet, "what?", was all that anyone could hear come out of my mouth. "I had to wait for my chance to hurt you like you hurt me, I wanted to do this earlier, to hurt you after I caught you with that other guy, but you were so depressed. If I had done it then you wouldn't have been sad at all." He smiled at me. That JERK after doing this just so that he could hurt me he has the NERVE to smile. Not only had he pushed the vase off the table, after it was broken he smashed it even more with a golf club and smiled. "In case you didn't already realise, we're broken up" he laughed. I ran as fast as I could and turned down an alley. I collapsed and started crying. This was not the pain I wanted. It was one millions time worse. Because I was just starting to be happy again. And, I also had no power over it. " AAAAAH $&@!#*! How did I not realise it was coming?" I screamed into the sky. I knew I was gonna get hurt. I was waiting for it. But I screwed up. And I realised, that for once I'd gotten rid of someone I needed, someone I truly loved. And I realised that I will never get him or that happy feeling back again. But that's okay. At least I can keep the feeling of hot tears running down my face...

I am so sorry. This is what I wrote. Author is getting lazier. Sorry. Part of this is true though. As I said in the description of this book. I am slowly getting less and less readers sorry guys. Clearly I need to write better, right? Anyways, I really appreciate your reads and your votes. They really mean a lot to me thankyou.

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