Sweet Talker - Bambam

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He's a real sweet talker. Always has been. He talks you up. Makes you fall in love with him. Then he, he leaves. He was obsessed with it. No one ever thought he would find the right girl. There was no girl for him. He wouldn't ever need to settle down. He was a part of a band, to make it worse. Somehow musicians are just, attractive. It's something about them. They have this ability to make you feel, special. But he, he was something different. He could make you feel special in a matter of seconds. It was his rapping, and the way he could look at you. Like he stared into your very soul, and watched it as it melted. To make matters worse. He had noticed you. And when you know your someone's prey it's very hard to resist a sweet filled trap. Even if you're aware that it is a trap. Trying to resist him was like trying to resist lollies 5 centimetres in front of you.

You were sitting at a table with a bunch of friends watching him perform. During his rap he came and over to you and started rapping, and just as usual, like all the other girls, your heart melted. You couldn't resist his eyes. They looked so genuine, you thought. Not like every other time. He probably will actually like you. You blushed and turned away to your friends, while your best friend sent dagger stares at you. She knew that you were gonna fall for him, just like every other girl, ever. Not that she could talk, she was head over heels for another one of the band members, Yugyeom. You watched them finish their show and at the end Bambam came over to you. "Hey (Y/N) your as sweet as chocolate. Can I call you chocolate as a nickname?" "Sure" you blushed.
"Cool, see ya later chocolate!" He winked as he ran off. I know, I know, that I shouldn't fall for him, you thought. But I don't know if I can stop myself. You told yourself.
The next day (at school)
You went to ______  high school. Which of course, as luck would have it. Is exactly where Bambam went to school. You two weren't exactly close, but you could call it mutual friends. You had a friend linking you two and as proven by last night Bambam was close enough with you to give you a nickname. As you walked up the street to school that day you heard a familiar voice, "Hey chocolate! Wait up!" Bambam shouted. You stopped and turned around to face him. "Oh hi Bambam!" You smiled and waved at him. "How are you today?"
"Good thanks, and you?"
"Yeah, pretty meh to be honest."
You two walked in to school together just chatting and you heard a lot of comments "are Bambam and (Y/N) together now?" "I didn't know they got together" "when did they get together." All just because you walked into school with a boy. Just as the comments started to die down you passed one of Bambam's exes. "Wow, what a downgrade." She said loud enough for you and Bambam to hear. "What did you say?" You said as you turned around to her, moving closer by the second. "I said you were a downgrade" she repeated while gritting her teeth. "You can't downgrade from a girl whose face is more made up than a painting in an art gallery, with a personality more boring than a brick wall. Which by the way, if you didn't notice, because you're  too vain, is you."
"Oh yeah? Well... well." The girl tried to reply.
"Well what?" You said, crossing your arms.
"Well you're just a big slut!" The girl finally replied.
You laughed "coming from the girl whose school dress is way too short." You said gesturing at her dress and then looking at yours, which was knee height, just like he uniform rule says.
You turned to walk away. You felt proud of what you'd done. You may not be dating Bambam, but you weren't gonna let anyone call you a downgrade. When you finally got back to standing next to Bambam he said, "THAT WAS AMAZING!"
"Thankyou bammy." You replied. "That's okay right?" You questioned. "Me calling you bammy?"
"Oh yeah, that's fine chocolate." He said, staring at you.
"Yah, is there something on my face or something?"
"No. You just look so pretty."
You blushed and whispered, "thanks"
"Hey, since everyone thinks we're dating anyway, do you want to be a couple?"
You blushed and were about to nod when you thought. What if Bambam is done with me after a week. What if it's less than a day. "Bambam" you said in a serious tone, "how do I know you won't toss me a side like you do with all those other girls."
"You have noticed the other girls." He rubbed the back of his neck, "well this makes things awkward." "Look, (Y/N), those other girls. They were all like _____ (the one you fought earlier)." "I was practicing getting good at sweet talking, so I could convince you to go on a date with me."
"You can't just go around breaking people's hearts  Bambam. Especially if there's a girl you actually want from the beginning. Even if they're all like _____ that's not fair to them!" 
"I know, I kn--"
"Clearly you don't or you wouldn't have done it."
"I did KNOW!" He screamed at you, with tears threatening to fall.
"Then how could you do it? How could you use someone like that Bambam?"
He slumped to the floor and hit his head against the wall. "I don't know." He cried, "I don't KNOW!" "I just, I wanted you." He stood up and grabbed your face and presses his lips against yours. You could feel his tears on your face. He started to make the kiss deeper and before you knew it you were kissing him back. You both pulled away "it's okay" you said, wiping a tear off his face. "I still love you." "Just promise me you'll never use anyone like that again."  You told him.
"With you I won't need to!" He said kissing you roughly on the lips again. "Aah!" You screamed and ran away playfully.

I'm sorry for swearing if you don't like swearing, I deeply apologise. Also I wrote this at 1 am so I hope you like it I'm so tired I gotta sleep please tell me if it was good please COMMENT it makes me so happy when you comment please comment and request please I am very bad at coming up with ideas. Have you guys seen the video of Yugyeom saying bitch better have my money? Anyway I don't really make sense do I anyway. Search up bniors on Instagram and follow her she makes some great edits. Don't feel pressured to follow her though. I just really like her edits I think you should check them out. Do I have anything else to say I don't know I'm tired its very morning I'll see you guys later.
- author

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