Bambam - The Text

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Based on a True Story (so it's not that great) [your pov]

[Hey. How's your voice?]
I texted him about an hour ago. No reply. I sighed as I chucked my phone on the table and collapsed on the couch. Only to immediately reach for my phone again to see if he had suddenly replied. I groaned. Yeah maybe it took me an hour of talking of talking on the phone with my friend, asking her to come over and texting others before I mustered up the courage to talk to him. But he could at least read my text. It's not that hard.

"Has he replied yet?!" My friend asked as she walked into the lounge room and jumped on the couch next to me and my sulking self.
"No." I huffed and moved over so she had more space. "He hasn't even read it." I sighed and locked my phone.

"He'll reply." She comforted as she reached around the room, grabbing food and the remote as she flicked around channels. "I mean you're so pretty. Why wouldn't he reply?" She asked, stuffing her face with food.

"Because he doesn't like me." I deadpanned. Clicking the on button, the light illuminating my face, with no new notifications. Well not none. They just weren't from him. Tumblr, Line, Kakao, Instagram, My friends asking if he'd replied, but not one single text from him.

"Forget him. If he doesn't reply in 24 hours he can go fuck himself."

I smiled at how harsh she was, "Yeah I guess he can."
She smiled back and continued watching her TV show, with me watching as well.

[Time skip (3ish hours later)]
"Alright I'm going to bed" I told my friend and headed off. I clicked my phone again. Checking if he had replied. I opened the conversation, even though I knew there would be nothing there. Except a little word that made my eye twitch in anger.


What the Fuck Bambam? You've seen my message and you still don't reply. It was a yes or no question practically. It doesn't take that long to answer. It really doesn't. "Umm. I mean I was going to go to bed but..." I started as I held my phone screen out to my friend.

"What? Did he reply!?"
I scoffed, "No. Of Course Not. Much much Worse."
"Seen? Read? Read 20 minutes ago? What is this boy doing?" She asked hysterically. Understanding my fury.

"Listen I don't know but maybe if I go to sleep I'll have a text my tomorrow. I don't care if it's even a simple good. At least it's a text." I suggested smiling at her.
"Yeah good thinking. See ya." She waved as she started lying down on the couch.
[Time Skip next day]
I've never woken up earlier to check my messages. But today I woke up at 6am.
Ridiculous I know but. He might have replied.
But he didn't.
Better or good is too hard to write? Scratch that. Text? Honestly!
"I give up!" I cried out, throwing my hands in the air out of frustration. Boys are stupid and I never should have tried to start a conversation.

"Okay. But when's the next time you'll probably see him?" She asked
"Friday. Why?"
"Well then he'll have to see you. You can totally just talk to him." She smiled
"True." I smirked, hoping that somehow we would suddenly become extremely close.

"Where's Bam?" I whispered to one of my friends. I couldn't see him, and he should totally be here. He was one of the people that set this whole rapping session thing up.
"Not here. Idk where he might be." She whispered back.

Over the next couple of weeks I looked forward to when I might next see Bambam. But he could never be found when I was around. It was like he was avoiding me. But he just hadn't been around.

[One Month Later]
"Haha and you know Yugyeom?" My friend, Luna said, laughing about our ridiculous gossip on the train.
"Yeah totally." My best friend and I chimed.
"He's totally hot." Luna smiled
"Not my type." I giggled
"What? No way." She said as her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened comically
"She likes someone else." My best friend nudged me.
"Not anymore and of course he's not my type. Sometimes he comes across as...cocky." I said after a moment of thought. "I don't like that."

"This is my stop. Bye!" My bestie said as she hopped off the train.
It was quiet for a minute before I spoke again.
"Well, Yugyeom is actually pretty cute when he's on his own. He's so shy and awkward."
"YUGYEOM!? No way! He's so confident."
"Trust me I was on the train home with him one time and he was trying to make conversation. He was like 'So umm. How's life?' Really awkward. Really quiet. Really cute."
"I was on the train home with him too. He didn't say anything to me. Except 'bye' coolly when he got off."
I scoffed and then I started giggling.
Why would Yugyeom be so awkward around me?
What if? Omg! Could Yugyeom like me?

Lol this update was so bad sorry. Tell me what you want next. Yes this is a true story. How are you all doing? I'm kinda okay I guess.

Don't forget to Comment. Vote if you liked this.
Hopefully there will be a better update soon.
~ Freya

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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