Chapter 1

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"Frost." Jane said softly as she tried to find the right words for what she was about to tell her best friend.

"What is it Jane? You know you can tell me anything." Frost smiled.

"I..." Jane swallowed. "I'm into women."

"You're gay?" Frost asked.

"Yes." Jane said. "I'm gay."

"About damn time you tell me." Frost laughed. "I already knew."

"How do you know?" Jane asked.

"Rizzoli you are my best friend. I picked up on these things." Frost smiled.

"No one else knows. I need to tell Tommy and Frankie. Of course Ma." Jane said.

"Don't worry Jane." Frost said. "That's your family they are going to love you know matter what."

"I know." Jane sighed.

"Look let's go out for beers." Frost said.

"Sounds good." Jane said. She followed Frost out to his car. Getting in they drove downtown to where all the bars are.

"I'm glad you finally told me." Frost smiled.

Pulling into a parking lot Frost shut off the engine as they got out and headed inside. The music was playing and Jane followed Frost to the bar.

"Can I get two Bud's please? No wait Jane, do you drink Busch now?" Frost laughed.

"Fuck you Frost." Jane punched him in the arm.

That's when Jane heard the sweetest laugh. She smiled as she looked around to see a small honey blonde sitting at the end of the bar drinking a fancy drink that had a little umbrella in it. Her hand was held up to her mouth as she tried to stop the laugh from coming out.

Frost followed Jane's gaze to the honey blonde woman. 

"Why don't you go over there and talk to her." Frost said.

Jane sighed. "There's no way she's gay. Let alone into me."

Frost laughed. "This is a gay bar. I wanted to make you feel safe. Plus she would be stupid not wanting to be into you."

Jane stood up. "You're right. I got accepted on the squad with Korsak and Frankie. I came out as gay. I can do this." Jane smiled.

Frost watched his best friend walk over. She stopped. 

"What is she doing?" Frost muttered then he saw the other woman she came out of no where and took a seat next to the honey blonde giving her a kiss. Frost watched as his best friend's heart broke. "Oh no." Frost ordered another beer for Jane.

Jane somberly walked back over and collapsed onto the bar stool. She downed one beer then the next. Closing her eyes she wondered just who that woman was. She was gorgeous. Jane got the courage to go over and talk to her. Sighing Jane ordered two more beers.

"Hey." Frost said softly trying to bring Jane back to him. "Don't worry there's plenty of woman out here."

Jane sighed again. "That laugh though, it's sweet. My heart went wild in my chest. My palms got sweaty. My face flushed. I felt something I never felt before." Jane closed her eyes. "Then I felt it all break."

"I'm sure you will feel that way again." Frost said.

"No it's the way my dad felt when he married my mom." Jane sighed. "They were married for fifty years until he died two years ago."

"Are you saying that honey badger over there is your soulmate?" Frost raised his eyebrows.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying." Jane down another beer. She started to peel the label off the other bottle as she looked over to see the honey blonde was staring at her. Jane felt that feeling again. Jane looked at her best friend. "She's staring at me." Jane pouted.

Frost smiled. "I could always kiss you!" 

Jane shoved Frost off the bar stool. He stumbled but caught himself.

The laugh filled Jane's ears again. 

"Don't make me barf." Jane groaned. She finished the beer and ordered two more.

"Shouldn't you slow down?" Frost asked.

"Shouldn't you not be in a gay bar?" Jane questioned back.

Frost smiled. "I came here because I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body." 

The laugh again. Jane frowned. "Fuck you!"

"Oh honey you couldn't handle this." Frost laughed at his best friend.

Jane finally gave in and laughed too.  Ordering two more beers Jane quickly down them. 

"I have to go pee!" Jane stood up. 

"Need me to come hold it?" Frost off.

"I left my dick at home." Jane said. "You want to be gay with me?"

Frost laughed as he watched Jane stumble into the restroom. 

Jane went into the stall and pulled down her pants. Hovering over the seat she managed to let a stream of pee flow out. That's when she heard someone got in the stall next to her. Jane swallowed as she finished up and flushed the toilet.  She went to the sink and started to wash her hands as she heard the other toilet flush. She looked up after scrubbing her hands and saw the honey blonde. She walked over and stood next to Jane washing her hands. Jane swallowed. She kept looking at the honey blonde. Her voice caught in her throat and she couldn't get anything to come out. Sighing she ran the water over her hands again. Jane shut the water off and went to grab a paper towel just as the honey blonde did. Their  hands touched. Jane quickly pulled it away.

"I'm sorry." Jane said.

"You got me wet." The honey blonde smiled.

Jane's heart thumped. "I didn't mean to. I should've watched what I was doing."

"Don't be sorry. I'm Maura by the way." The honey blonde smiled as she grabbed another paper towel.

"I'm Jane." Jane said as she reached for some paper towels again this time making sure she wasn't going to touch Maura's hand.

Maura smiled. "Jane, maybe I'll see you around."

Jane nodded her head. Her heart was thumping out of control. Maura left the bathroom and Jane quickly splashed water on her face as she went out to join Frost. 

Frost was sitting still at the bar drinking another beer. Jane took a seat. 

"Her name is..." Jane said but stopped.

"Her name is what?" Frost asked.

"Maura." Jane said softly.

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