Chapter 4

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"Not to be a buzz kill and all but didn't you say about going to dinner with your girlfriend?" Jane asked as they got outside.

"She cancelled on me." Maura sighed. "She was called into work."

"Oh I'm sorry." Jane said.

"It's okay happens a lot. Thanks for coming with me." Maura smiled.

"No problem." Jane said. "So where are we going?"

"Just ride with me." Maura said.

"Then how am I to get home?" Jane asked.

"I could take you home." Maura smiled.

"I couldn't ask you to do that." Jane said.

"I want to though." Maura said. 

"Fine." Jane said.

She followed Maura to her car. It was a silver mercedes-benz. The interior was red. Maura unlocked the doors. Jane got in. Maura got in and started the car up. Jane smiled as she listened to it purr. 

Backing out Maura left the parking lot and headed towards the Dirty Robber. 

"How fast can this go?" Jane asked.

"200 mph." Maura said. "I don't go over 60."

"Not even curious?" Jane questioned.

"No." Maura said flat and simple.

"Okay." Jane said.

Maura soon pulled up in front of the small bar. The Dirty Robber was printed on front in big black letters. Shutting the car off they headed inside. Maura took a corner booth as Jane sat across from her.

"So what's good here?" Jane asked.

"The salads." Maura smiled.

"Do I look like I eat a salad?" Jane laughed.

"It's healthy Jane." Maura stated simply.

"No I eat meat Maura." Jane smiled.

"Oh." Maura smirked.

"Don't even go there." Jane wagged her finger at Maura.

The waitress came over.

"Can I take your orders?" She smiled at Jane.

"I will have the cheeseburger medium well with fries." Jane said.

"I will take the house salad with ranch." Maura smiled.

"To drink?" The waitress said.

"Martini." Maura said.

"Budweiser." Jane said.

The waitress turned and walked away.

"I think she likes you." Maura stated simply.

"No." Jane shook her head.

"Please she was smiling at you and didn't take her eyes off of you when it was my turn to order." Maura smiled.

"Not interested." Jane frowned.

"She is cute though." Maura smiled.

"Not interested." Jane looked at Maura.

"Why not?" Maura asked.

"She's not my type." Jane said.

"What's your type?" Maura asked.

"Smart. Strong. Gorgeous. Kind. Sweet. Wonderful laugh. Good sense of humor." Jane said. You! She wanted to scream at Maura.

"I go for honest. Strong. Compassionate. Gorgeous. Tall. Nice body." Maura smiled.

"You got a girlfriend." Jane said.

The waitress came back over with their drinks.

"Your food will be right out hon." She smiled at Jane and walked away.

"I do have a girlfriend yes. She is all of those." Maura said softly.

Jane felt her heart break as she continued to stare at Maura. Jane took a sip of her beer pondering just what to say next. She didn't want to say the wrong thing and mess anything up with Maura. Maura was everything she could want and then some. She just didn't know how to act around her.

"How was your first day at work?" Maura said breaking the awkward silence that developed over them.

"It was good." Jane smiled.

"That's good." Maura said.

"Yeah it is." Jane said.

"So you and Frost how long have you been friends?" Maura asked.

"Every since we were kids. We grew up together." Jane smiled.

"Awesome. He's a good guy taking you to a gay bar on your first time." Maura said.

"He is. Wait how did you know it was my first time at a gay bar?" Jane asked.

"Your body. You tensed and the way you fiddled with the paper on the neck of the beer bottle." Maura smiled.

"Yeah. I have been hiding in the closet. I was afraid of what people would think." Jane said as she took another sip.

The waitress came back with their food. "Enjoy hon." The waitress smiled again.

"Thanks." Jane said.

"You're welcome." The waitress said as she walked away.

"What, you were afraid to come out?" Maura asked.

"Yes. I didn't date anyone for a while. Grace and I kissed senior year of college but she wasn't invested in me like I was with her." Jane said. "I should've told people then but I couldn't bring myself too. I figured like everyone said that it was a phase, that somehow I was going to be straight. I got tired of "waiting" for that. So I came out to Frost first then to my mom before I came down to see you."

"It's hard coming out. I came out when I was seven. I didn't know why I felt different and made my barbies kiss." Maura laughed. "I was happy. I was content. My father was understanding. Mom it took her a bit to understand."

They began to eat. Talking more about life and work. By the time they finished it was ten p.m. Maura stood up and Jane did as well.

"I will pay for mine." Jane said.

"No I got this. Next time it will be on you." Maura smiled.

"Alright." Jane said.

Walking outside Maura went and started up her car. Jane got in  and smiled.

"So where am I taking you?" Maura asked.

"1315 E Terra Vista." Jane said.

Maura pulled out and headed towards Jane house. It was a quiet ride. Jane's house came into view. 

"Thanks for dinner it was lovely." Jane smiled.

"You're welcome again thanks for coming with." Maura said.

"No problem. I actually enjoyed myself." Jane said.

"Me too."  Maura said.

Jane opened the door. 

"So are you not going to invite me in?" Maura questioned.

"Oh. I mean." Jane stuttered.

"Relax." Maura smiled. "I was kidding. I will pick you up for work say about 9 a.m."

"Sounds good." Jane said.

Jane opened her front door and heading inside. She collapsed onto the couch. Then for the first time in a long time she cried.

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