Chapter 2

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Jane woke up to her alarm going off. She had no idea how the hell she got home. Hitting the off switch Jane went to hop in the shower. The hot water started to wake her up. She inhaled deeply then exhaled. It was her first day as Detective. Jane was looking forward to her first day.  Getting dressed she wore a pair of black jeans and a blue polo shirt. She clipped her badge and gun onto her belt. She picked up her leather jacket and put that on. Taking one last look in the mirror Jane headed out. Frost was in his car waiting for her. Pulling away from the curb he headed to the precinct. 

"Let's go partner." Frost smiled as Jane got into the car.

"What the hell happened last night? How much did I drink?" Jane asked not really remembering anything but the honey blonde.

"Don't you remember honey badger?" Frost asked.

"She's the only thing I remember." Jane said.

"You had way too much too drink. I lost track after ten." Frost said. "I drove you home and then went home myself."

"Her name is Maura. I ran into her in the bathroom." Jane smiled. 

"Yeah you did tell me about that last night." Frost said.

"I wish I could go back to that." Jane said.

"I bet you do." Frost smiled. "Maybe we can do it tonight."

"I don't think so." Jane laughed.

Pulling into the parking lot Jane watched as men and women went inside. Her heart raced as she got out. She looked up at the table building. Smiling she turned around to Frost who was smoking a cigarette.

"Those damn things are going to kill you." Jane grunted as she headed inside.

"Your going to kill me first." Frost laughed.

"I wouldn't give you the satisfaction." Jane said over her shoulder.

Frost put out his cigarette and ran after Jane. 

"Jane I...." Frost stopped. 

"What?" Jane asked.

"It's your mom." Frost said.

Angela Rizzoli was standing there with balloons.

"Oh god!" Jane covered her face and tried to sneak past her mother.

"Oh Janie there you are!" Angela beamed as Jane put her hands down by her side. 

Someone shoot me now. Jane thought. "Hi ma." Jane smiled.

"Congrats on the new job." Angela smiled. She was proud of her daughter. Now she just wished that Jane would be proud of herself and tell Angela what she already knows. When you have kids you know when they are hiding something. She knows that Jane is gay. Come on Jane always wanted trucks and G.I. Joe's and the dirt bike she got for her sixteenth birthday. Jane always shopped in the boys/men sections at the clothing stores. 

"Thanks ma." Jane said.

"You're welcome." Angela said.

"Can we go and talk somewhere?" Jane asked.

Angela nodded her head as she followed Jane away from everyone. Jane went down to the elevators with her mom. She swallowed she figured she tell her in a public place so if she reacted she would think twice with people around.

"I have been afraid to tell you this." Jane twisted her fingers together. "I decided that I can't keep hiding it. I have been hiding it for over ten years and I just can't."

Angela lit up as she stared at her daughter.

"Ma, I'm gay. I'm into women." Jane said.

Angela smiled. "I already knew that honey was waiting on you to tell me."

"Seriously?" Jane tossed her hands up in the air. "I was scared shitless to tell you."

"You have no reason to be. Your my daughter and I will love you know matter what. I care about you. I'm just glad you finally told me." Angela smiled.

"Can you do me a favor?" Jane asked.

"What's that dear?" Angela asked.

"Can you try not to embarrass me at work?" Jane questioned.

Angela smiled. "So you mean I can't come in with a rainbow flag or The L Word DVD collection to give to you?"

"How do you know about The L Word?" Jane asked. "No on second thought never mind."

"Last year I found the gift your dad got you that I didn't know about. I opened it up and saw it. We both knew you were gay and we wanted to tell you that we loved you. I instead of giving them to you watched it for myself." Angela smiled. "It's a good show. You remind me of Dana Fairbanks."

"Really?" Jane raised her eyebrows at her mother. She couldn't be for real. 

"Yes really." Angela pulled her daughter into a hug.

Jane allowed her mother to embrace her. 

"I should probably get to work." Jane said as she pulled away. 

Angela nodded her head and left.

Jane walked back into the room. "Jane can you go down to the coroner's office and see if they found anything on the latest case we have regarding Matthew Earl." 

Jane nodded her head yes and back out to the elevator she went. She had no idea where she was going.

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