Chapter 8

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"I should probably head home." Angela said. "Call me if you need anything."

"I will Ma." Jane smiled.

Angela hugged Jane, Frost and then Maura. She whispered into Maura's ear in which Maura just nodded her head in reply. Jane walked her mom to her car.

"That Maura is really nice and very beautiful." Angela smiled.

"Yes she is." Jane agreed. Jane looked back at Maura who was talking with Frost.

"You like her?" Angela asked.

"I do." Jane sighed.

"Does she know?" Angela questioned.

"No I don't think she does. Plus she has someone." Jane said.

"Your father was dating Harriet when he met me." Angela smiled.

"I know." Jane said. "I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize the friendship I have with her. If something happens it happens." 

"Alright. I love you Jane and I don't want to see you get hurt." Angela said.

"I love you too." Jane smiled.

Angela got into her car and drove off. Jane walked back over to Frost and Maura. 

"I guess I should probably take you ladies home." Frost said.

"That would be lovely." Maura smiled.

"Let's get going then." Frost said.

They piled back into his car. Maura told Frost her address. Frost drove there as everyone was quiet. Jane didn't know what to say. Maura was thinking about Karen and what this could mean for the two of them. Soon Frost pulled into the drive way. 

"Here we are ladies." Frost said with a smile.

Jane stared at the massive house. It was huge compared to her little place. Getting out she grabbed her bag and followed Maura inside.

"Let me show you the guest house." Maura said.

Jane nodded her head and followed Maura.

"It's a nice place you got here." Jane said.

"Thanks. It gets lonely sometimes living here by myself." Maura said.

"You're welcome and I bet. I won't try to bother you to much." Jane said.

"Oh please bother me." Maura chuckled. "I was thinking since our dinner was interrupted I could whip us up something quick."

"You don't have to do that." Jane said.

"I want to. It's nice having someone else here with me besides Karen." Maura said.

"You know I don't want this to cause problems between you and Karen." Jane said softly.

"You're my friend Jane. She's going to have to accept that and I know you would've done the same for me." Maura smiled.

"You're right." Jane said. "I really appreciate this. I will look for another place to go so I'm not taking up your guest house."

"No you can stay as long as you like." Maura smiled. Opening the door to the guest house she stepped inside.

Jane followed her. "Your guest house is bigger than my house." Jane laughed.

"Fridge is stocked with all types of food. If you need anything just come to the main house. Why don't you take your bag to the bedroom and I will make us something to eat." Maura smiled.

"Sounds good." Jane said as she carried her bag upstairs. She tossed the bag on the bed and wondered if it was good to be alone with Maura like this. Jane knew that Karen wasn't going to like it one bit. Jane wanted to tell Maura about the note that was left for her but she for one didn't want to scare Maura. Especially when she didn't know who it was from. Jane sighed and turned back around heading back down the stairs.

She got back to the kitchen to see that Maura was making dinner. 

"I poured you a glass of wine since the day you had." Maura said.

"Thanks." Jane said as she picked up the glass and took a sip.

"You're welcome. Since your staying here feel free to bring over whatever you may need." Maura said.

"Thanks." Jane said.

Suddenly Maura's phone rang. Looking down Maura seen it was Karen. Sighing she ignored the call.

"Everything okay?" Jane asked as she saw the look on Maura's face.

"Everything is fine." Maura said. Maura's phone rang again. She ignored it and went back to cooking. It rang a third time and Maura picked it up. "What!" Maura shouted into the phone.

Jane took a sip of wine as she watched Maura holding the phone away from her ear.

"Don't you fucking answer your phone like that! What are you doing? Is someone there with you? Is it that Jane bitch?" The woman's voice on the other end spoke.

"I'm trying to cook dinner." Maura said ignoring all the other questions.

Jane smiled.

"Is there something going on?" The woman shouted.

"No nothing is going on." Maura tried to reassured her. "I just need to talk to you when your free."

"Okay I can come by after work." The woman calmed down.

"Alright see you then." Maura smiled.

"You know she isn't going to like the fact that I'm staring here." Jane said softly.

"I know but she's going to have to get over that." Maura said.

"I just don't want her to treat you the way she did earlier over me." Jane frowned.

"I know if she doesn't like it there's the door." Maura said.

"True, I just don't want to come between you and her." Jane said.

"She thinks little of herself if that's going to happen." Maura smirked. Truth was Maura liked Jane more then she should but she loves Karen. "I can keep my feelings in check."

Jane swallowed. Did she just say feelings? Jane thought in her head. What does that mean? Jane screamed in her mind.

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