chapter 12

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Maura woke to being in Jane's arms. She felt safe. Even though Maura cared about Karen she cares about Jane a lot more. Maura quietly got up as not to disturb Jane. Wrapping a robe around her she walked down the stairs Maura heard the key in the door.  The door opened and there stood Karen.

"Sorry I thought you would be gone. I figured I get my things that I left for over nights." Karen said.

Maura crossed her arms. "I don't think now is a good time." Maura said softly.

"You know I love you Maura." Karen said as she closed the door.

"I loved  you once." Maura frowned. "I don't love you now. Not after what you did."

"I'm sorry." Karen frowned. "I was jealous I seen the way Jane looked at you."

Maura sighed. "Yes but you could've trusted me."

Karen sighed.

Jane stood at the top of the steps watching. Waiting for Karen to try something.

"Can I get my things please? I will give you the key as well." Karen said.

Maura stepped out of Karen's way. Karen went up the stairs as Jane came down. Maura smiled at her.

"I was going to surprise you with breakfast." Maura said.

"I heard Karen and wanted to make sure you're alright." Jane said.

Maura smiled. "You're sweet."

"As are you." Maura said.

Just then they both heard a loud thud and went running upstairs.

Karen laid in the hallway her box of items scattered all over the floor.

"Karen?" Maura knelt down beside her flipping her over. Maura's face grew pale.

"What's wrong?" Jane asked.

"She's dead!" Maura said softly.

Jane went to the bedroom and quickly called 911. She knew it meant her as well as Maura being suspects. Jane told them where to come.

Maura stood up. "She was just fine."

"I know." Jane said. Jane pulled Maura into her arms. "We will get through this."

"I know." Maura said softly.

Just then the doorbell rang and in comes Frost, Frankie, Korsak and Pike.
Maura rolled her eyes.

"Frankie go check the victims car." Korsak ordered. "Frost take doctor Isles to the living room and Jane you follow me to kitchen."

Pike ignored everyone and started his exam.

Korsak pulled out a chair and took a seat.

Jane swallowed and took a seat across from him.

"So what happened?" Korsak raised his eyebrows.

"We heard a thud and both went running to see what happened." Jane said.

"That's not what I meant Jane. Your eye?" Korsak said firmly.

"I got into it with Karen. She shoved Maura last night then came after me. I know how it sounds but I wouldn't kill her." Jane said.

"I know you wouldn't." Korsak said.

Pike came down the stairs. He took off his gloves. "The TOD (time of death) is roughly ten minutes ago. I won't know what killed her until I get back to the lab with the body." Pike said.

"Alright." Korsak said.

Frankie came running inside. "Korsak we have a problem."

Korsak excused himself and followed Frankie outside to the victims car.

"I popped the trunk and found this." Frankie pointed to the picture of Jane watching her house burn. As well as a can of gasoline, a camera, and matches.

"I know Jane she wouldn't kill someone!" Frost said from behind them. "Frankie it's your sister you can't believe this." Frost swooped his hand over the trunk.

"We can't believe Jane would do something like this but the evidence points to her." Korsak sighed.

"Let me do it." Frost said softly.

Frost walked into the house to find Jane sitting on the couch next to Maura, her hand resting on Maura's thigh. Frost swallowed. Jane stood up.

"Jane, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. Jane You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning." Frost said as he took out his handcuffs.

"Jane?" Maura stood up.

"They think I killed Karen." Jane frowned as she let Frost put the handcuffs on her.

"Frost you know she wouldn't do anything like that." Maura said.

"I know but there's evidence that points to Jane." Frost sighed. "I'm only doing my job Maura."

"Maura, can you call my ma and let her know what's going on." Jane said.

"I will. I will also call my lawyer." Maura said. "I will have her meet you at the precinct."

"Thanks Maura." Jane said.

Frost escorted Jane out of the house and into the back of the cop car. He stood there before closing the door and said "Jane I know you didn't do it and I will do anything to clear your name." Frost shut the door. Sighing he got into his car and followed the car that held Jane back to the precinct.

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