Chapter 9

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Jane finished the rest of her wine as Maura dished out their plates.

"There's more wine in the fridge." Maura said as she took the plates to the table. 

Jane wanted to ask Maura what she meant but knew she couldn't for their friendship was important.

"Can I ask you something?" Jane asked.

"Of course you can." Maura smiled as she took a seat.

"You don't hardly know me but yet you welcome me into your home. Why is that?" Jane asked.

"You work for the police department. Trust me I did a background check on you when they wanted to hire you." Maura smiled. 

"Really?" Jane asked.

Maura laughed. "No. I'm pretty good with reading a person." 

Jane laughed. Sitting down Jane looked over at Maura. "Thanks for dinner and letting me stay here. Maybe next time I can cook for you."

"You're welcome and I would like that." Maura smiled.

They ate their dinner and talked some more. It felt comfortable and right. Finishing  up Maura took her plate to the sink as Jane followed. 

"I should probably head  over there for Karen could be here any minute." Maura said.

"Okay. Thanks again." Jane said.

"Maybe when Karen leaves you can come to the main house and watch a movie." Maura smiled.

"Sounds good. Just let me know." Jane said.

Maura looked at Jane. She was gorgeous. Tall. Brown eyes. Curly black hair. Toned body.  Maura's thoughts were interrupted as her phone rang.

"Hello." Maura said.

"Hey I'm on my way over." Karen said.

"Alright. See you when you get here." Maura smiled and hung up the phone.

Jane watched as Maura left.  Maura walked across the yard to the main house. She wasn't sure how she was going to tell Karen. She was a tad bit afraid of how she was going to react. Opening the door Maura looked back at the guest house to see that Jane was still watching from the door way. Shutting the door Maura walked to the living room. She was about to sit down when she heard the knock at the door.

"Coming." Maura said as she went to answer it. 

"Sorry I couldn't get here sooner." Karen said as she stepped inside giving Maura a kiss.

"It's fine. Let's go sit down." Maura smiled trying to work up the nerve.

Karen followed Maura into the living room. Sitting down Karen turned to Maura to face her on the couch.

"Is everything okay? I'm sorry for the way I was with you earlier you just usually don't talk to me like that and I got scared." Karen said.

"No everything is not okay." Maura sighed.

"What do you mean?" Karen asked.

"A friend of mine's house burned down. So I offered her my guest house until she is back up on her feet." Maura said.

"Who's her?" Karen questioned.

"Jane." Maura said.

"I don't fee comfortable with that." Karen sighed trying to keep her cool.

"I know you don't. But you have to trust me." Maura smiled. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

"It's hard because I'm afraid of losing you. I love you Maura. Jane is gorgeous. She's built. She's just stunning." Karen said. "That scares me because I'm sure she turns everyone's head."

"She does and I love you too Karen. That's not the type of person I am." Maura said.

"I guess if Jane's going to be around I will have to get use to her being around." Karen said.

"I'm really glad your taking this well." Maura smiled. Maura pulled Karen into a kiss. "I'm going to go slip on something more comfortable and maybe we can talk more."

"Sounds good." Karen smiled.

Maura took her phone out of her pocket and laid it on the end table just in case if work called her. 

Jane was sitting there in the kitchen waiting for Maura to say that Karen left but nothing. It's been over an hour. Jane sighed and stood up. She was starting to worry about her. She seen how angry that Karen got when Maura checked on her. Jane decided to look through the cabinets. She picked up a cup and then walked out the door. She figured she could ask Maura for some sugar or something just in case if Karen was still there.

Jane walked across the yard and stopped at the door. She listened. It was silent. Trying the knob she found it was unlocked.

"Maura?" Jane asked as she stepped foot inside the house. 

The light was on in the other room. Jane walked in for she figured​ maybe Maura just passed out on the couch for it was kind of late. She turned the corner to go into the living room and there was Karen on top of a naked Maura.

Maura's eyes were closed as Karen thrusted inside of her with the strap on. 

"Mmmmm...."Maura moaned. 

Jane stood there in shock fixated on Maura's naked body. She knew she had to turn away before Karen caught her. 

"Ohhhh. I'm going to cum." Maura moaned.

Jane dropped the cup she had ahold of. Thank God it was plastic. 

Karen looked over at Jane and smiled. 

"What was that?" Maura asked.

"Nothing baby just bass." Karen soothed Maura.

Jane picked up the cup and walked out. Her heart sank in her chest. How was she suppose to look at Maura the same? She seen her naked body and boy was it gorgeous. Sighing Jane left the house and sprinted across the yard back to the guest house. Opening the door Jane went and sat down in the living room. She was hurt. Why? Maura wasn't hers, so therefore she had no reason to be upset.  Jane laid down not sure as to what was going on. She knew she couldn't talk to Frost about this. Jane didn't know what she was going to do. 

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