chapter 15

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Maura knew it was going to be difficult proving Jane didn't do it. Hopefully Pike can figure it out. Maura listened as Olivia talked to Pike on the phone. Toxicology came back and nothing.

"Has anyone checked Karen's home?" Olivia asked. Olivia nodded and hung up the phone. "Well the toxicology came back and nothing was found. We got a fight ahead of us but we won't give up."

"Thanks." Jane smiled.

"No problem it's what friends are for." Olivia said.

"What? If she was drugged most likely the drug won't show up in her toxicology, so therefore it is going to be something untraceable." Maura said.

"But how will they figure out what it is?" Jane asked.

"That's what I don't know." Maura frowned. Maura hoped her dad could find something. She hated having to ask but she knows he be the one to get answers. Plus he would do anything for Maura.

"What about Temperance Brennan?" Alex asked.

"Who's Temperance?" Jane asked.

"She's the smartest person we know." Maura smiled.

"Your ex?" Jane questioned.

"No. Just a good friend." Maura smiled. "She's going to like you though that's for sure."

Alex got up and went to call Temperance.

Jane stared at Maura she wanted to be intimate with her again.

Maura's phone rang. Looking down she saw it was her dad. "I need to answer this." Maura said as she went into the kitchen. Answering it "Dad?"

"Hey honey." Paddy said.

"Did you find something out?" Maura asked.

"There's a man not sure of his name yet but he's behind it. Apparently he's been after Jane for some time. He's known as The Butcher." Paddy said.

Maura frowned. She heard of the Butcher but why would he want Jane.

"I will dig up more to figure out who he is. Maura just be careful." Paddy said.

The phone went dead on the other end. Maura turned around to see Jane standing there.

"Are you okay?" Jane asked.

"Yes." Maura smiled.

Jane pulled Maura into her arms. Kissing her.

"Ahem." Alex said in the doorway.

Maura pulled away from Jane. "Did you get ahold of Temperance?"

"Yes she's on her way." Alex said.

"Good. It's been what ten years since we have seen her." Maura said.

"Yes about that." Alex said. "You two are a cute couple. Would you consider....Ahhh never mind."

Jane looked at Maura as Alex walked out.

"What was that about?" Jane asked.

"I have no idea." Maura said.

Jane laughed.

"Let's get back out there." Maura said.

Walking back into the living room Alex was sitting on Olivia's lap.

"Did you ask them?" Olivia asked.

"No I didn't." Alex said.

"What did you want to ask us?" Jane asked.

"It can wait. Temperance is here." Alex said.

Olivia went to the door and opened it. Sure enough Temperance was standing there. She smiled and walked into the room.

"Maura." Her eyes lit up then looked over at Jane. "You're gorgeous. The jaw line. High cheek bones."

"Thanks." Jane said.

"So what's the problem we are having?" Temperance asked.

They told Temperance what was going on.

"Of course I will help. I know just by look at Jane she didn't do it." Temperance smiled.

"I think someone likes you." Maura whispered.

"Yes I do." Temperance smiled.

Jane blushed.

"She's not the only one." Alex chimed in.

"Thanks." Jane said again.

"Actually there's something we would want to talk to you both about if you would be interested?" Alex said.

"Maybe tonight we can talk about it." Maura chimed in.

They went over details of the murder trying to figure out what could've happened. Temperance gave her opinion and they all continued to talk to late in the evening.

Maura and Alex then made dinner while Jane sat in the living room with Olivia and Temperance.

"Jane I heard you and​ Maura last night. It was hot." Olivia smiled.

"It was." Jane agreed. She glanced into the kitchen to see Maura and Alex whispering. "Did you want a beer?"

"Would love one." Olivia said.

"That be nice." Temperance smiled.

Jane went into the kitchen and grabbed some beers.

"How's it going?" Maura asked.

"Alex can I talk to Maura alone please." Jane said.

"Sure." Alex smiled and walked away.

"Maura I think your friends like me a little too much." Jane said.

Maura laughed. "They do. Alex said that they are interested in joining us in bed."

"How do you feel about that?" Jane asked.

"I think it would be hot." Maura smiled.

"You think so?" Jane asked.

"Yes. Jane your gorgeous. I mean I enjoy having you to myself but I can share if you can." Maura smiled.

"I'm sure I can." Jane smiled and pulled Maura into her arms. "So who wants to join?"

"All of them." Maura smiled.

Jane closed her eyes. "Promise me something?"

"Anything." Maura said.

"That if it becomes too much we can stop." Jane said. "I don't want to do anything to hurt you." Jane pressed Maura up against the counter. Kissing her passionately she slipped her hand under Maura's shirt.

"Now this is hot." Olivia said as she walked in.

"You may just get your wish." Jane said as she touched Olivia's hand and went back into the living room.

Alex came back into the kitchen and helped Maura finish up dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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