Chapter 3

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Jane looked at the buttons and frowned. Which one is it?

"Hold the elevator!" A woman's voice said as a manicure hand stuck it's way into the door as they were closing.

"Which floor?" Jane asked.

"Basement." The woman said as she fiddled her weight from foot to foot.

Jane hit the basement button and prayed it was also the one she wanted. The woman stood next to her wearing a skirt and a navy blue blouse. Hair done up in a tight bun. Lipstick which seemed to be a bright red stood out. Jane looked her over and stared at the numbers as it dinged letting them know that they reached the basement.

Stepping out Jane saw the glass door. It read "Dr. Isles" on it. Jane figured she found the right place and opened the door.

"Thanks." The woman said as she shuffled past Jane and into the room.

Jane rolled her eyes as she stepped in behind the woman. She turned and looked at the skeleton of bones and started to play with it.

"Babe, really I don't have time for lunch." Another woman's voice spoke as the clink of heels on the floor made Jane want to turn around.

"I know I just hoped we could grab something quick." The lady from the elevator said.

"I don't think so. But dinner." The other woman said.

"Fine." The elevator lady said. 

"I love you." The other woman said.

"You too." The elevator lady spoke. 

Jane watched as the woman walked out as she continued to fiddle with the skeleton.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked.

"Yeah I came down here..." Jane turned around and her mouth opened. There was Maura. It was Maura from the bar.

Maura smiled. "Jane right?"

"Uh huh." Jane nodded her head.

"So what did you need?" Maura asked with a smile.

"I need the files on Matthew Earl." Jane said.

"Sure." Maura said as she turned and walked over to her desk.

Jane looked her up and down. The way the skirt hugged her thighs. Her high heels as they clinked on the floor with each step. Jane bit her lip as Maura picked up the file and turned around.

"Here you go. Cause of death of blunt force trauma to the head caused by phallus shaped object." Maura said.

"Are you saying a dildo?" Jane raised her eyes.

"A hard one." Maura said trying to keep a straight face.

Jane laughed.

Smiling Maura watched Jane. Her body would tense then she would relax. She shifted her weight from foot to foot. Maura raised an eyebrow as Jane started to blush.

"I should probably head back up." Jane said.

"I will see you around." Maura smiled.

Jane walked back towards the elevators. Her heart pounded. She worked with the woman who she has the biggest crush on. How was she going to get through this? Jane rode the elevators back up and handed the file to Korsak. 

The rest of the day past quick and Jane sat at her desk kicking her feet up. Sighing she looked at Frost.

"Did you know Maura works here?" Jane asked.

"She does?" Frost asked.

"Yes our coroner is Maura from the bar." Jane said.

"Oh damn. This is getting better." Frost said. 

"No because she is taken by someone and it's going to be hard." Jane said.

"What is going to be hard?" Maura said as she walked into the room.

Jane swallowed and quickly put her feet down. 

"His dick later." Jane smirked.

Frost rolled his eyes. "No that's not what we were talking about."

"Oh then what?" Maura asked.

Jane gave Frost a look like you tell her I kick your ass. Frost laughed. "Alright it was about my dick."

Maura smirked. "Good to know. I thought it was something else."

"What did you think we were talking about?" Jane asked.

"I don't know." Maura smiled. "I was actually wanting to see if you want to come get a drink with me."

Jane looked at Frost. "Umm..."

"I can't I got a date with Lydia." Frost smiled.

"Jane?" Maura looked at her. Her eyes danced.

"I need to eat." Jane said.

"Then we will get some food." Maura smiled. "The Dirty Robber has good beer as well as food."

"Fine." Jane said. Jane stood up and grabbed her jacket.

"You ladies have a good time." Frost smiled.

"We will." Maura said as she walked out the door with Jane behind her.

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