Chapter One

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I walked through the forest, the soft breeze making my hair tickle my nose. The soft crunch of the leaves under my feet comforted me. I heard his breathing behind me. I glanced behind my shoulder to see him. His blonde hair glistened in the sun. He smiled his bright smile at me. Just a little further and we'd be at our spot under the tree. I walked about 10 more yards before the woods ended. There it was. The tree. We sat down at the foot of it and took out the remains in our bags. "What do you have?" Niall asked while taking a bite out of an apple. "Sorry, only half a loaf a bread" I said ripping it in another half. He took one more bite of apple before handing it to me. "Are you scared?" he asked taking a bite of his bread. "Not too much. I mean, yea my name is in there 24 times, but compared to a lot of people, that's nothing" I told him. He nodded and started playing with a leaf. "Are you scared?". He looked at me and said "Just like every year, out of my mind". I took a bite of the apple from the other side of it and leaned on Niall, letting my thoughts distract me.

 Niall and I met when we were little. His father knew mine. Our father's died because they were caught outside the limits while hunting, which is illegal here. The peacekeepers killed them on the spot. Luckily our families were spared, but we lost our only manly figure in our lives for good. Niall and I have taken up hunting now, but we're extra careful. I'm handy with a bow while Niall can make some nasty spears. I'm the only child with my mom while Niall has an older brother who has his own family now and lives at another part of the district.

I layed my head back and thought about what's happening later today: The Reaping. My name was in 24 times. Compared to a lot of people here, that's not very much, but still. You always get worried about this stuff. Niall had his name in just as much I did. We always told each other that if one of us went into the games, we'd be here waiting for the other to return. We believe we have a fighting chance, but maybe that's just our minds' way of letting us cope with the idea.

"We'd better get back, don't wanna be late" Niall said while getting up. He put his hand out for me and I took it before walking back to hell with him. When we got home our moms had picked out our best clothes for us. Mine was a lilac knee length dress with a pair of black heels. Niall wore slacks and a nice shirt. Mom did my make up while Maura did my hair. Niall just sat back and watched while making funny faces at me. Once we were ready we made our way towards the town center, where two families' hell would get a whole lot worse. Niall held my hand, comforting me. He was like an older brother to me. We arrived at the area where we needed to sign in and soon enough we were waiting in our age groups.

The mayor, a woman named Julie who-cares-what-the-fuck-her-last-name-is, who picks the names of the tributes, and the previous victors took their place on stage. I never listened to this crap, so I zoned out until Julie said it was time to draw names. She walked over to the giant bowl type thing containing the names. I wonder what unlucky bi- "Sydney Cabrera".

I immediately turned my head to look at Niall on the other side of the center. His eyes were bulging out and his lip was trembling a little bit. I looked at my and Niall's mom who were holding each other with tears welling in their eyes. I slowly stepped out of the roped off area and toward the stage. I looked at all the peace-keepers as I passed them, who were staring down at me as I made my way toward the stage. I kept looking back at my sad family. Niall was now on the ground with his face in his hands with a couple guys trying to calm him. I walked on the stage and to where Julie was. "Hello, Sydney, can you please say how old you are?" she asked me. "Seventeen" I mumbled into the microphone. She nodded and I could see her smiling face but sad eyes. You could tell it killed her just as much as it did us when a tribute was chosen.

"Now for the boys" she announced. She reached in and pulled out another name. "Louis Tomlinson". My eyes popped out as I heard the name. Oh god no.... Louis was the second person I couldn't bear going into the arena with. He was strong, persuasive, good-looking, had a nice personality, all the things you don't want to go up against. He could do well in the arena and get quite a lot of sponsors, I knew it. I mean, I know I never stood a chance but compared to him I'll be a wounded mouse and he a fierce cat. 

Louis made his way towards stage and stood next to me. Julia kept talking but my blood was pounding so hard I couldn't hear a thing. Niall had regained his balance and was staring up at me with disbelief. I mouthed "I'm sorry" to him before I was taken away into a building. 

Inside we were seperated and left alone in rooms. A couple friends came to see me, but I didn't really care about them right now. I just wanted my fucking family. Finally, they came. Niall burst through the door and hugged me as hard as he could, burrying his face in my neck. "This can't be happening" he whispered. I felt wetness on my neck and knew he was still crying. Our moms' came in and joined the hug. They all cried into each others arms while hugging me, barely saying anything. It was bad enough losing our dads/husbands, but now I was going too. Niall and I were the ones who got our moms to eat again, and I was the one who got him to eat. I couldn't leave them, they'd be torn apart. When we finally broke apart, Niall took hold of my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "You are going to try your hardest. You are not going to give up. You are going to come home". I nodded, even though I couldn't promise such things. My mom hugged me again and whispered how much I remind her of dad, the way I'm so strong after the most devestating thing possible. She knows that I have the ability to make it through, and I will. Maura said thank you for taking care of all of them when they were at their lowest and they'll try to do as much as they can to take care of me. I hugged them all one more time beforr they were escorted out and I was left alone.

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