Chapter Twelve

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I woke up to hear sweet laughter. My eyes fluttered open to see Louis and Sage making breakfast and laughing. I sat up and stretched my arms, gaining their attention. "Good morning, princess" Louis said as he kissed me softly. "Morning, Sydney. I hope you had sweet dreams" Sage called. "I did actually, thank you" I smiled at her. "Tell us! I wanna know what it was about" Louis begged like a child. I giggled and told them about my beautiful dream. "Then the gumdrops came down and saved all the candy canes" I finished. By now we were all laughing our heads off at my sweet(literally) dream. Louis looked up and said "I want candy now. Please Hank?". That lead to us begging to the sky for a parachute of candy. After ten non-stop minutes we saw a parachute drop from the sky and scrambled for it on the branch above. Louis got it first and locked us out of the tent. "No fair Tomlinson! Come on!" I said trying to open up the tent. "I can't hear you, I'm too busy eating candy!" he called from inside. I bumped into the tent with all my force and made Louis fall over, making us able to open the tent. Sage dove first over Louis to grab the sweet treats. I held Louis back and tied his hands together behind his back. "No more candy for you" I whispered kissing him a kiss on the cheek before going over and eating the candy with Sage. 

After 10 minutes, all the candy was gone. Poor Louis was watching in pain as we devoured every last piece. "You are cruel, cruel people" he whispered. I untied him and kissed his cheek but he tackled me and tickled me. "PAYBACK" he said dramatically. "She.helped" I said between laughs. Louis stopped for a second and locked eyes with Sage. She yelped as he dove for her and tickled her also. Once I gained enough breath I started tickling him and soon Sage helped me. He was screaming so we had to cover his mouth. We stopped when it suddenly got colder than usual. The wind picked up and the tent was swaying violently. "Pack up the tent now!" Louis yelled.

In two minutes we were on the ground. It started snowing and usually I would've been happy but it was smacking us in the face so hard it felt like I was bleeding. I put mine and Sage's hood up before holding my arm around her. Louis wrapped his arm in mine and we started moving, trying to find a secure place to hide from the storm. We found a small wooden building and barged in. There was a tribute inside that was ready to attack. I turned and tackled Sage so she wouldn't have to see anything bad happen. I heard fighting and a disgusting sound, followed by something dropping with a cannon. I turned and saw Louis dragging his body out then closing the door tightly. I let Sage go and she looked at Louis shocked. Louis kneeled next to her and took her shoulders. "I'm sorry, but I had to. At least none of us are hurt, and we won't be, OK?" Louis said to her. She nodded and hugged him tightly. I bent down and hugged them both.

Once Sage was sound asleep Louis sat against the wall with me. "How many are left now?" Louis asked. "Nine" I said quietly. "There were five careers left, us, and one lonely person". He nodded and laid his head on my shoulder. "What are we going to do if we're the last people? Just kill her like she meant nothing? Go our separate ways til two of us die from natural causes?" Louis asked. "Lou, stop" I said urgently. "We need to know what we're going to do, Sydney" he said liftng his head up to face me. "I know I'm not killing either of you. We'll figure it out at the end if it does happen. I just hope you don't turn and kill me or leave me to die alone, because I can't be without you, Louis. I can't" I told him, first violently but then hurt. He wrapped me in a tight hug. "I could never do that. I can't be without you, either. I'd do anything for you, anything. I just wish I had more time with you" he whispered in my ear.

He moved away so he could kiss me passionately. He rested his forehead on mine and whispered "I love you, so much". He kissed me again and gently forced me on the ground. He kissed my neck and started to unzip my jacket. "Louis we can't, Sage..." "We have sleep syrup" he mumbled against my neck. I giggled as he got off of me and discreetly poured the syrup down her throat so she wouldn't choke. He crawled back over to me and continued. "Let me show you I love you...please, with the only time we have left" he whispered against my lips, unzipping my jacket again. I pulled a blanket over us and had the last best night of my life.

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