Chapter Four

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I felt like they were trying to ripe all the skin off my body with all their fucking skin treatment shit. We had finally arrived at the capital and they were "getting me ready" to be presented to the public. They wanted us waxed, plucked, skinless, hurt, and a bright shade of pink for the opening ceremony. I sat in a room alone almost naked before I meet the dickhead that was about to dress me in a ridiculous outfit that was probably going to cover most of the places I just got ripped off. Sorry, I tend to get a tad cranky when I'm being put in the most physical pain I've ever endured so far. 

While I'm playing around with some toy I found, I hear a door close. I look up and my eyes met a guy smiling at me. "Hello, I'm Jared. You must be the lovely Sydney" he said putting his hand out for me. I put down my awesome new toy and shake his hand. "Hi. You must be my stylist" I said looking up at him. He nodded and gently took my chin, making me turn from side to side. He then started walking around me, occasionally touching my hair or stroking my cheek bone. He stopped in front of me and smiled. "You have something I can defiantly work with". He took a seat next to me and started talking about how I'll need something that goes with my district, blah blah blah... "So we need something both interesting but memorable. I was thinking we could do something with what we do to coal: we burn it". I looked at him strangely and he just smile devilishly. 

I walked out towards the chariots in my costume. It was a short ruffle strapless dress and black pumps. My hair was down in loose curls with a small bump on the top of my head. I had black jewelry, but not to an overboard extent. My eyes were dark as night but my lips were a brilliant red. My nails were a pattern of yellow, orange, red. I made my way over to the last chariot in the row and met Jared there. "You look good. Glad my assistants did their job well" he said when he saw me. I nodded and looked around. I haven't been near the other tributes yet. They all looked strong and beautiful. Their costumes were big and popped. District One was covered in jewels. Their entire outfits were just jewels, and had jewelry covering them from head to toe because of their luxury items. It looked like District Two were porcupines they were they were covered in spikes, because they're weaponry. Just district after district looking amazing and different, but I looked way too plain. It wasn't showing the whole costume yet, but I was still scared I wouldn't hold up to them.

"Wow...". I turned and saw Louis looking at me in amazement. He was in a black t-shirt and tight black pants. He had on a pair of nice dress shoes and his hair was in a bunch of messy waves. His rolled up leather jacket fitted him amazingly, showing off his biceps. "You look...beautiful" he mumbles. I giggled and smiled at the ground before looking back up at him. "You don't look too bad yourself" I said. He smiled and leaned against a wall. "You ready? To see all those people?" he asked me. I shrugged rocked slightly on my heels. "What about you?". He shrugged too and said "The people and cheering won't bother me. It's the reason why they're cheering that pissing me off". I knew what he meant, how could people be so excited about watching children die? It was sick.

Music started playing loudly and it was our cue. Louis helped me up onto the chariot before getting on himself. As soon as everyone was secure in their chariots, they began to move. They started with a jerk and I would've fallen out if it wasn't for Louis. He grabbed my waist and helped me back up, meeting my eyes. We kept them there for a second until he broke away. I looked forward and kept a tight grip on the edge. Right before we entered to outside, Louis and I pushed a button, mine of my necklace and his on the inside pocket of his jacket. A small flame erupted from my necklace and it started a chain reaction. All my jewelry caught on fire, but I didn't feel anything and it didn't spend further. The ruffles on my dress became different colored flames from top to bottom: yellow, orange, and red. The bobbypins in my hair had tiny fires dancing in my hair. I looked at Louis and he looked phenominal. His sleeves were bright with the light. This cuffs on the bottom of his pants were covered with the small fire. The hot colors made his usually handsome face godlike. His manly jawline looked strong in the red and orange light. His biceps seemed to show off mor with the flames to close to them. He was already smiling his award-winning smile, making me forget how to breathe. Why the fuck does he have to do this to me?

I was surrounded by light as we entered the outside. They were millions and millions of people. At first they just stared at us then they screamed even louder than they were before they all had their eyes on Louis and I. I caught a rose in midair and waved at the person who threw it. I stuck it behind my ear and looked at Louis. He was having the time of his life. He was smiling his biggest smile and waving at everyone he saw. He took his eyes away a moment and looked at me. I tried to look away like I wasn't staring, but he turned my face back to him. He smiled down and me and put his arm around me, making the crowd going berserk. I put my arms around his back and waved at everyone. I blew a few kisses here and there and smiled until it hurt. There were people chanting "District 12" repeatedly. It was crazy. A few tributes turned and scowled at us. I just smiled and waved at them like we were best friends, making them even angrier. One secretly flicked me off. Louis started joining me at waving at the other tributes and making funny faces. We soon turned away, getting bored and started waving at our new fans again. At one point, we were dancing to the music playing making a bunch of laughs go out. Whenever we saw a little kid in the crowd we made a funny face which made them blush. We were having so much fun I don't think we wanted it to end.

When we went inside again, we got off the chariot still laughing like idiots. Our team quickly found us and ran over. "You guys were amazing! Everyone loved you!" Julie said when she was infront of us. Hank followed behind and smiled at us, surprisingly without a cigar hanging from his mouth. "You did good, lovebirds. Nice touch with the dancing". Jared patted my shoulder and said "Great job, guys. You were a hit!". We started going towards where we'll be living until the arena, and I noticed Louis' arm was still around my shoulder. I looked up at him and he smiled down, telling me with his eyes he had no intention to move his arm. I hugged his side again, with no intention to move either.

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