Chapter Seven

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Louis and I were woken by a stupid alarm. We quickly got dressed and ate breakfast with Jared. We were running late so we had to run as fast as we could to the helicopter so we wouldn't get in too much trouble. Louis took my hand as we stepped on and took our seats. We were once again face-to-face with all the tributes. They stared at us evilly as we talked and touched. The one that gave me the finger at the opening ceremony stared at me with dark eyes. There was a little girl who kept staring at her lap. Poor thing, she must being even more scared than I am...

 The injected our trackers into us before letting us off. We were in a bulding and Louis kissed my cheek before walking away with the peacekeepers, always looking back. My cheek was burning, but in a good way. I let my fingers graze it lightly where he had kissed it. The butterflies were going crazy inside me and I almost ran up to him and kiss him, just in case it would be our last contact. But maybe just that little touch on my cheek would be the last...

I sat in the launch room, just trying to steady my heart. The games were about to begin. I was shaking furiously and couldn't stop. Jared kept trying to calm me, but I couldn't. I let my head back and closed my eyes. These might be my last minutes of living. I drowned a whole water bottle in two seconds and splashed another one of my face. "Sydney, calm down. You'll be fine. Just remember everything Hank told you and you'll be fine" Jared said. My breathing finally slowed a little and I calmed just enough to not pass out. "Tributes, in the launch area" a voice boomed into the room. Jared stood up with me and put a jacket on me. It was fuzzy on the inside and puffy and rain resistant on the outside. "Try not too get too cold. That's all I'm allowed to tell you" he said. I nodded and stemped into the toob. A countdown began and I gave Jared a small grin and wave. He waved back and mouthed "Good luck". The tube started to rise and I waved goodbe to Jared, probably for the last time.

My eyes focased on everything around me. There was nothing but snow and trees surrounding me. The cornicopia was standing in the middle of the circle and there was stuff everywhere, lucky for us. I looked side to side and found Louis. He was already looking at me and I gave him a small wave, making it go to my left so he would know what direction I wanted us to go but nobody else did. He made a small nod. 

So here we are. I'm scared. Really, really scared. I'm about to be hunted by 22 other people. The tribute I came here with and I already decided to be allies, one of us needing to go home. I have hunting skills and he knows how to fight. I can't believe I'm going in with him. I've loved him for a long time and here we are, going in these awful, disgusting games together. Should I tell him? Let him know about how I love him? Or will it effect our game? And for better or for worse? 3,2,1..... And the games have begun.

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