Chapter Fifteen

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I was sick and tired of doing nothing. When Nate that greasy-haired mother fucker started talking I was DONE. I loaded my bow faster than I ever had before and just shot before I, especially Louis for that matter, even knew what was going on. He dropped to the ground and so did I. They wanted a fight, well now they got one. "Sydney! What the fuck are you doing!" Louis called. I lifted my arms up and reached into my bag an grabbed two knives then pulling them out and twirling them trying to look kick-ass. Louis dropped next to me and grabbed his sword. "Sorry we're late. But the party is just about to begin" I said sweetly.

Garett ran towards me and was knocked of the ground by Louis tackling him. They wrestled on the ground as I slowly made my way towards Mr. Asshole. "Why, hello. I don't believe we've met. What's your name" the tall muscular man asked me as I approached him. I held my knives tighter and stopped just a couple feet away. "I'm your worst nightmare, baby".

I lunged and tried stabbing him but he whacked my hand away, making the knife land by a tree. He tried fully grabbing me but I would just wiggle out of his grasp. I heard a cannon behind me and was tempted to make sure it wasn't Louis but I heard him cough, but it was a cute adorable cough only Louis would make...Sydney what the fuck pay attention! I felt my feet taken off the ground and not being able to breathe. I tried to breathe but nothin was happening. I look at him with a dark look in those evil brown eyes. I did the only thing I could do at that moment. I kicked him in the balls. He dropped me and I landed ONG foot funny and he grabbed at his crotch. Louis rushed over and helped me to my feet. I grabbed the sword out of his hands and turned to a once leader and now pathetic bundle on the ground. "This is what happens when you kill angels" I said before stabbing his stomach.

I dropped the sword and everything else on the ground and ran to Louis. He picked me up and spun around in a circle laughing with me. He stopped with his back to the leader. "We did it" he whispered looking deeply into my eyes. I nodded with a giant smile and leaned up to kiss him. He started leaning down but then stopped making a choked sound. He looked at me in confusion and surprise. His eyes slowly made their way down from mine to the silver shining point that was poking through his stomach.

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