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My friend and I were talking about the last chapter and I said something funny and now I have to do a spoof chapter :P. You don't have to read unless you just want a little laugh and won't count at all in the story. Enjoy!

While Louis and I were...you know, the door burst open and standing there was the lonely tribute. He raised his sword to attack but Louis held up his hand. "Can you wait til we're done. It'll take um...I don't know...10 minutes?" Louis said. "Fifteen, definatly" I added. We looked at the tribute and he just nodded and walked out. Fifteen minutes later were dressed and sat on the ground. "Ok, we're ready!" Louis called. The tribute bursts in again. Louis and I dove in different directions at the last second before he cut our heads in half. I picked up my bows by Sage and shot one at him, landing one right in his heart. He fell to the ground with his sword clattering aginst the wood. Louis looked at me and nodded impressed, and I replied with shrugging my shoulders. Louis dragged him out and shut the door from the blizzard. He put his hands on his hips and looked at me. "Well that went well".

Louis and the Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now