Chapter Two

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We were soon escorted to the train station where we'd be sent off to the capital for 2 weeks of preparation. In the car Louis and I barely looked at each other. I'm not exactly sure why, maybe we felt it wasn't right? But once we got to the station, we were drowned by cameras. They were everywhere. The peace keepers lead us through the crowd and on to the train.

We sat down and the train immediately began to move. I looked down at my lap and played with my fingers, nervous to be alone with him. "Hey Sydney, I'm Louis" I heard. I looked up and saw his hand in the air and him smiling brightly. I smiled and took it "Hi Louis". "This is crazy, huh? Are you doing ok?" he asked, really seeming concerned. I shrugged, not really knowing what else to do. He put an arm around me and said "It'll be ok. You'll find a way to cope with this situation soon enough. Just come to me if you need encouragement and I'll help you, ok?". How could he be so calm and caring? I'm going to fight him to the death in two weeks. I just nodded my head and he tightened his grip around me so I was closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. This would probably be one of my last caring contact.

A minute later a tall, hairy man walked in. He had a cigar in his mouth and was walking like he didn't give a fuck about anything. "Ok, lovebirds. We're gonna have to talk about how you're gonna get far in the game. But I'm too tired, so let's not" he said sitting down across from us. He puffed out smoke through his nostrils. "Hank Quinn. You're our mentor" I said. He shrugged and continued smoking. "Um, you sure you can't teach us  now? Shouldn't we get a head start on it?" Louis asked. Hank looked at him annoyed and blew a puff of smoke at him. Louis was getting tense, his jaw was tightened and his eyes were a little darker. "Ok...can you at least tell us what to do when we get to the capital?" Louis asked. Hank then started to get up and walk away. Louis put his foot out at the last second and made Hank trip, crashing with a loud thud. He looked back with anger boiling in his eyes. He got up and started advancing toward Louis and pulled back a punch. I stood up in front of Louis and grabbed Hank's fist. "We're not going to get anywhere if we fight! We haven't even been on this train for ten minutes and you're already trying to kill each other, and you're not even in the fucking games! Now, you're gonna teach us how to survive hell, and you're going to sit back and fucking listen. Got it?". They both were frozen, staring at me surprised. I pushed Hank on his chair and sat down again, crossing my legs for a little touch. They kept watching me so I waved my hand in a circle, telling him to go on. 

"Keep doing that. Surprise people. Give them the unexpected" Hank said, picking up his cigar that had fallen. "Do you guys have any other skills? Besides being annoying and being lovey-dovey?". I could see out of the corner of my eye Louis having a tight grip on the armrest. "I can hunt" I said. They both gave me that surprised look again. "What can you fight sweetheart, sales?" Hank teased. I bit my teeth together and said "No, game. Deer, birds, squirrels. Give me a knife or a bow and I'll be good". Hank nodded in approvement and looked at Louis. "What about you, tough guy? Or is the only thing you can do is let your little girlfriend protect me?". I thought Louis was going to break the armrest from his grip on it. I gently touched his hand and he let go of it and held my hand. "I can life quite a lot. If I have to I'm pretty good in hand to hand combat. And when I'm not with a complete asshole, I think I can be pretty nice" he said, adding a smirk on the end. "Ok, smart ass. It looks like you both have something useful. I don't know how much, but something to get started with. You guys to seem to have some potential, so I'll help you". Hank took a swing of his cigar and looked at us. "Anyone know when dinner is?".

Louis and I were shown to our rooms. They seemed too big for the train. It consisted of a king sized bed, a giant wall-in-closet, and a bathroom as big as half my house. As I got out of the shower, I thought about what has happened today. I missed my family so much. All of us probably won't get any sleep tonight. I hope Niall will be ok...he has to be strong and feed our moms. Mom...she was probably still a giant mess. She's already lost dad and...I don't want to get into that. 

After I got dressed I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find Louis. "Hi" I whispered. He smiled down at me. "Can I come in?" he asked. I nodded and stepped aside for him. He had changed out of his reaping clothes and was now in a pair of sleeves and a t-shirt that fit him nicely. "Nice room" he said sitting on the bed. I nodded and looked around then sat down next to him. He started playing with his fingers and looking at his lap. "I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier, I don't want you to see that" came from him. I looked him confused and he lifted his head up. His eyes were sad. "You don't have to see fighting know. I'm sorry" he said quietly. "Louis, you don't have to be sorry. It's no-" I started but he cut me off. "Yes I do. You don't deserve to be here. And you should be able to enjoy yourself at least a little bit before you have to go in there, and I'm sorry if I ruined that". I stared at him for a few moments, studying his face. He was serious. Why is he worrying about this when he's going in too? He should be focusing on trying to plan out how he can win or missing his family. He started to get up to walk away but I wrapped him in a hug. He hugged my back tightly and we stayed like that until we were called for dinner. "Ok, let's go have supper with the devil" he said with a wide smile. I laughed and held his hand while we walked to dinner.

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