Chapter Three

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I was walking up the street when I saw him. His brown hair half hidden by a hat, him tugging on his mother's hand. His blue-green eyes were bulging with excitement as he led his mother toward the school. It was the first day of school ever. Most kids were tugging away, not wanting their parents' to leave them. But he was different. I could tell by looking at him that he wanted to meet new people and get on with life. That's what made me fall in love with him...

Louis has always been the popular boy at school. He could make anyone laugh just by breathing. He was on the soccer team with a very nice build. Every girl wanted him but he never seemed to have a girlfriend. He was nice to everyone unless they needed standing up to. He was just perfect in every way...

Yes I know, I'm in love with the guy I'm going into an arena with where you try to kill everybody else. But can you blame me? It's Louis...his perfect hair, skin, everything. And it's not like I had a chance anyway. I'm me. The weird girl with only a couple friends. I just hope I won't have to-

"Sydney?". I opened my eyes and saw Louis shaking me lightly. "Mhm?" I muttered sleepily. He smiled and whispered "Good morning". Louis and I have always shared a room with someone and felt weird sleeping alone, so he slept in my room. Don't worry, he took the sheets and pillows from his room and slept on the floor. I offered him the bed but he wouldn't let me. I stood up from my bed and stretched my arms out. He laughed and took my hand so we could go eat breakfast.

At the table Hank and Julie were already eating. We haven't really talked to Julie, but she seemed nice. As we sat down she looked at us with sad eyes. "Want me to make your plates for you? You should eat quite a lot of fruits and vegetables. Those right there are very rare but quite delicious" she said. "Um, I'm ok but thank you very much" I said taking a spoonful of the small fruit just to make her happy. As we made our plate, Hank watched us like a hawk. While we sat down and ate, he blew puffs of smoke towards us, as if trying to get our attention. Well, he got it. "Can you stop? I'm trying to eat" Louis snapped. Hank responded with blowing more smoke at him. Louis' fork dropped on the plate with a clad and he stood up. I stoof up after him and pushed on his shoulder so he'd sit. I walked over the Hank and took his cigar right out of his mouth. "Hey!" he yelled as I opened a window and threw it out the window. I sat down like nothing happened and continued eating my breakfast while his eyes tried to tear through my soul.

"Fine. Want to talk strategy since this one threw out my fun?" Hank asked. "That would be lovely" I smiled sarcastically at him. He leaned forward with his arms crossed on top of the table. "When you get into the arena, run like hell. Don't look back. If you fight there, you're mostly likely going to get hurt, if not dead. Pick up something on the way if you can". "Wait, what if we're far away from each other? I'm not going to leave without her" came from Louis. What? He would have a higher risk of dying just so he could he with me? This boy made no fucking sense sometimes. "Fine, lover boy, find her and get the hell out of there. Don't waste a second more. And if you do get caught in the fight...let's hope you weren't exaggerating your skills at all".

He told us about how to act in the capital, how to be likable and get sponsors. Louis almost got a concussion when Hank tried stabbing him and he fell over in his chair because he asked how he got any sponsors with his "wonderful" attitude. Julie and I had to separate them for a couple hours. Louis apologized again and I said that I'd stab him if he said sorry for that again. We ended up watching the other reapings from yesterday with his arm draped over my shoulder. There were quite a lot of strong looking people, and I was getting scared. Louis noticed and made me snuggle closer to him.

I guess I was his gateway to feeling at home again, the way he always had to touch me. He was kinda mine, too. Niall and I used to hold each other whenever we missed our dads or were scared we wouldn't eat because of low game count. It also felt good because I always imagined this. Him finally noticing me and wanting me to be his. At least I could pretend it was happening like that in my head. But in reality, at least one of us was going to die soon and we couldn't do anything about it.

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