Chapter Nine

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In the night sky there was the boy's face and another girl. He was from District 5 and she was from 7. Louis and I had made a lot of progress in our walking and hunting. We caught a two rabbit and a bird. We used our heater to cook them, which worked surprisingly well. Louis and I couldn't sleep so we decided to talk. "There was only ten seconds left in the game. We were tied with the other team and I had the ball. I ran down the field dodging everybody that was in my path and kicked the ball in the goal as hard as I could. The crowd went nuts because I just won the winning goal". Louis was telling me about some of his football days and I have to say, I was impressed. How could one person be so perfect? He was athletic, hot, sweet, funny, and so much more. "That's amazing! How have I not gone to one of your games before?" I said. He smirked and said "Because you were too shy to talk to me". "I was not shy!". "You so were! Every time I tried to talk to you in the hall or something you'd look at me and walk away or ignore me!". I looked at him shocked. I always thought he was trying to talk to his friends and I was just in the way. He did call my name but I thought it was another Sydney. Well, I'm an idiot. But... "Why did you want to talk to me?" I asked him. He looked at the ground and chuckled. He looked up and opened his mouth to speak when we heard a frightened scream near by, followed by the sound of a cannon.

Louis and I peeked out of the tent to see someone creeping in the dark. Louis grabbed his sword and handed me some knives. I slowly and quietly made my way down the tree with Louis following. I followed the person without getting spotted while Louis went another route. The person stopped in their tracks and turned around. When he saw me he lunged, gripping his sword with both hands. I froze unable to move and just let him run at me, ready to chop me in half. My feet or hands wouldn't move no matter how hard I tried. He raised his sword above his head and I let my eyes close.

I heard a thud and opened my eyes to Louis strangling him. "Don't touch her!" he screamed at the boy. His eyes were dark and terrifying as he squeezed the life out of the boy. He soon let go when his work was done. He looked at me with the anger until his eyes softened and stared at me, breathing heavily. I was about to hug him and tell him I'm alright when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my leg. "Sydney!" Louis called as I fell on the ground. He kneeled down next to me and pulled an arrow out of my leg, making me bite my lip as hard as I could from the pain. Another arrow whizzed by his head so he grabbed me from the arms and dragged me behind a tree. "Stay here, I'll be right back" he said. I nodded and leaned my head against the tree. FUCK! I'd never hurt so much in my life. This was like the waxing but times a million. "Let go of me!" a girl screamed. I heard a grunt and foot steps running towards me. I gripped a knife and put my good leg out when the sound was right next to me. A girl tripped over my leg and started to get up but I jumped on top of her and pulled her hair back, placing the knife at her throat.

"Sydney, keep your eyes open" Louis whispered in my ear. The bitch put poision on the arrow and it was spreading quickly and painfully. "I'm tired" I whispered pressing my face against his chest. "Don't sleep until we can get you medicine". I felt myself getting weaker in his arms. We stole a piece of  fabric from the girl's jacket to stop the bleeding but all it did was keep the blood from dripping. My breathing kept slowing and I was losing my grip on his shirt. "Sydney, stay right here. Keep your eyes open and try to tell me if something happens" Louis told me, laying me against the tree with our tent. He started climbing while I lay my head back and stared at the sky. I was scared that it wasn't going to work. That nothing would work. Maybe this would be the last time I stared at the beautiful sky, with it's twinkling stars and bright moon. "Mother fucking...". Louis was cussing 5 times a second above me. A tear trickled down my cheek. I wanted my mom...

"Sydney?" Louis asked going down the tree. I turned my head toward him even though it hurt. My vision was blurring. "You'll be ok, princess. Stay with me" Louis whispered taking my hand with both of his. I gave him a small smile and closed my eyes, about to go when I felt something on my lap. I open them slightly to see a parachute. Louis gasped and started fumbling with it to get it open. Inside was a shot with medicine inside and bandages. "Sydney, this will hurt a little bit but It'll make all the pain go away" he said picking it up and getting it ready. I clenched my eyes closed and let him insert the medicine into my leg. It hurt so much I started crying but after a couple seconds it all started to go away. He wrapped the bandage tightly around my wound and kissed it softly. "I told you" he whispered. I giggled and grabbed his shoulder so I could make him hug me. He kissed my cheek many times and whispered stuff about how he was so happy that I'll be ok. I nuzzled my head into his neck, relived that he could save me.

"Louis, stop you're too tired" I said to him. We have been walking for hours. Or at least Louis has, he's been carrying me because I can't walk just yet. I also couldn't get up into the tree and we definatly couldn't sleep on the ground. "No, we have to keep going" he said out of breath. "Come on, please. I can try to get in the tree again. You can't do this anymore" I whispered. He didn't look like he was going to let me down until he collapsed because his knees weakened. I got out of his grasp and took the bag, placing it on my back. I grabbed onto the tree and started climbing, only using my good foot. What normally would've taken me 10 seconds took me 10 minutes. Louis was right behind me, making sure I didn't fall. We put the tent on a bunch of sturdy branches all together. Once we got inside Louis fell and put his head on my lap. I played with his hair, occasionally kissing his temple. I heard Louis mumbling something so I put my ear cloer, thinking he was just sleep talking. "I.." Louis just mumbling but I couldn't understand the other words. 'What?" I whispered, my curiousity wanting to wake him up just so I could know. "I...ou". "What?" I asked again, even though he couldn't hear me. I felt his head move and he was staring up at me. I put his hand on my cheek and rubbed circles into it with his thumb. "I love you..." he whispered.

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